
Sustainable Building Materials

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

10:00 am – 11:30 am ET


Investigador asociado

Director Asociado de Investigación


Qué esperar

Developing more sustainable building materials is both a societal imperative and a huge market opportunity. Buildings and infrastructure are major contributors to climate change, not only from operational energy use but also more significantly from the emissions of manufacturing construction materials. Construction and demolition are the largest contributors to landfill waste in many countries. This Lux Ideathon will explore the opportunity to improve on the status quo with circular, low-carbon building materials, including both novel biobased materials and novel manufacturing processes for high-emitting industries like cement. The startup pitches and panel discussion will examine the obstacles to market adoption in the conservative construction industry and show how new approaches can reduce carbon emissions while remaining cost competitive. 

As companies evaluate the market opportunities in this sector, Lux’s Ideathon on Sustainable Building Materials will address the following questions: 

  • How will the introduction of more sustainable building materials create new business opportunities (and threats) for adjacent sectors, for example, in the chemicals industry? 
  • Which incumbent materials and product categories are most susceptible to disruption by sustainable alternatives? 
  • What are the main barriers to market adoption of more sustainable materials? Will forthcoming policies and regulations change this picture? 

Orden del día:

Introducción de los analistas de Lux

Lanzamientos de startups

Mesa redonda moderada por analistas de Lux

Debate en la sala de descanso con una de las empresas emergentes

Venga preparado para participar en los debates formulando preguntas, votando por la mejor propuesta y hablando directamente con los innovadores y otros participantes.

Los Lux Ideathons son eventos virtuales temáticos de presentación de startups que Lux organiza periódicamente. Únase a nosotros para conocer nuevas ideas de innovadores emergentes, con la posibilidad de establecer asociaciones, inversiones u otras conexiones.

Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente:

  • After registering above, you will receive a confirmation email with your personalized log-in instructions.
  • Los Ideathons sólo están disponibles para los miembros del Servicio de Investigación y Asesoramiento de Lux.  
  • Las startups participantes son responsables de presentar información precisa y adecuada para su divulgación pública. Las empresas participantes son las autoras de las diapositivas de presentación y Lux Research no puede garantizar su exactitud o falta de sesgo.

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