
The Next Era of Energy Innovation

Thursday, February 27, 2025

11 AM SGT | 11 AM CET | 11 AM EST | 11 AM PST

Par :

Directeur principal

In recent years, “sustainability” emerged as the driving force behind corporate innovation initiatives in response to a surge of public interest, shareholder pressure, and emissions regulations. Compared to its zenith just a few years ago, enthusiasm for sustainability waned considerably, and innovation initiatives are returning to their roots — driving business growth and market expansion while still lowering emissions.  

In this webinar, Lux unveils its updated client priorities for the energy sector, touching on both the oil and gas and electric utilities sides of the industry. Specifically, we will: 

  • Highlight our analysis of innovation activities within large companies based on annual reports and interviews, identifying differences across the value chain and regions. 
  • Introduce our updated client priorities for our Utilities and Oil and Gas services, and how technologies can align to address those priorities. 
  • Showcase practical examples of how to use Lux’s frameworks and analysis to execute on your innovation strategy. 

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The Next Era of Energy Innovation

Par :

Directeur principal

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