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Le rapport de prospective 2022 de Lux Research Résumé

Mettre en lumière les technologies clés et les tendances numériques qui inspireront l'innovation et donneront naissance à une économie mondiale durable

Sustainability is a significant driver of change for businesses.

With not only corporate sustainability goals and public pressure but also government regulations to navigate, it is vital for businesses to become aware of the emerging technologies and materials that are commercially viable and will enable sustainable innovation.

The Lux research 2022 Foresignt report

The Lux Research 2022 Foresight Report illuminates the most impactful technologies and digital trends in sustainability that will change the landscape of business in 2022 and beyond, inspiring the next wave of innovations and igniting the sustainable strategies that will propel your business.

Our diverse team of analysts work cross-functionally across industries as well as technologies, thinking collaboratively and using proprietary research methodologies to unlock unique insights that only Lux delivers.

Download the Lux Research 2022 Foresight Report Executive Summary today for:

  • A view of the Lux Sustainable Innovation Model
  • The top technologies for 2022
  • Unpopular predictions for 2022 from Lux analysts

Become a member today to gain access to the full report, including:

  • In-depth analysis and the Lux Take on each technology
  • Patent, publication, and funding data
  • Key players in each market
  • Rationale and ramifications of each unpopular prediction
  • Additional technologies and data trends considered for the report
  • The Lux Take on where to invest $10 million in 2022

Download the Executive Summary

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