
Perilous Policy: Predicting the Future Global Regulatory Landscape for Plastic Pyrolysis​

Ready to explore solutions to the plastic waste crisis?

Our new e-book dives into the process of pyrolysis, which converts mixed plastic waste into valuable oil through high-temperature treatment. With recycling rates for plastics like polypropylene and polyethylene dismally low at only 1% to 2% globally, pyrolysis stands out as a vital technology to tackle this growing environmental challenge. Yet, its journey is fraught with hurdles such as regulatory disparities across different regions and limited consumer awareness.

Our e-book addresses these critical issues by exploring four key areas of policy from around the world that are influencing the adoption of pyrolysis and the marketability of its byproducts. We discuss strategies for companies to harness advanced pyrolysis alongside conventional recycling methods, forming a comprehensive waste management system that better meets regulatory standards and aligns with consumer expectations. 


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Perilous Policy: Predicting the Future Global Regulatory Landscape for Plastic Pyrolysis​


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