Ethan Beswick

Ethan Beswick

Ethan Beswick is an Analyst at Lux and contributes to the Agrifood team’s coverage of food and nutrition. In this role, he covers ingredient informatics, food traceability, supply chain transparency, and novel manufacturing technologies. Ethan also researches emerging technologies at the intersection of food tech and digital.

Prior to joining Lux, Ethan worked as a consultant, helping early-stage founders validate technical and operational challenges to sustainability solutions, and has contributed to projects in plastics reduction, biotechnology, and green energy. He has held strategy and operation roles at multiple food technology startups and has experience in laboratory analysis, manufacturing, process validation, and procurement. He holds a B.S. in food science from the University of Delaware.

Ethan, who’s based in San Francisco, enjoys cooking, photography, 3D printing, and traveling.

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