De Green Deal van de EU na 2030: baanbrekende transformatietechnologieën voor 2050

Location: Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19 Brussels, Belgium 1050

Date: Thursday, April 4th, 2024

Tijd: 8:30 - 14:00 CET


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De Green Deal van de EU na 2030: baanbrekende transformatietechnologieën voor 2050

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Over het evenement

The EU Green Deal represents not just an ambitious environmental plan but also a dynamic catalyst for technological innovation. Current strategies and technologies are propelling us toward the 2030 milestone — but what about 2050? The path to 2050 is steeped in greater challenges, and the answer lies in early stage, transformational technologies that will establish the EU as a global leader in technological innovation. The journey to 2050 demands not just evolution but also revolution in technological approach — investing in and nurturing these early stage technologies today is crucial for ensuring they are mature, scalable, and impactful by 2050. ​ 

In this event, Lux will spotlight transformational technologies across two key sectors targeted by the EU Green Deal — industry and transportation — and with regional innovation executives discuss maintaining a long-term vision in a macroeconomic landscape engrossed in short-term goals. Attendees of Lux Forum Brussels will:​ 

  • Gain insight on how the transformation of industry by the EU Green Deal alters the strategies and outlook of the manufacturing sector. 
  • Delve into the emerging technologies set to transform the EU’s approach to the EU Green Deal beyond 2030.​ 
  • Hear from innovation executives about their experiences in integrating transformative technologies into their existing operations and strategies.​ 

Evenement Details

  • Location: Renaissance Brussels Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19 Brussels, Belgium 1050

  • Date: Thursday, April 4th, 2024

  • Tijd: 8:30 - 14:00 CET

Voor lunch wordt gezorgd.

Days until the Lux Forum Brussels!
Tijd (CET) Beschrijving Presentator(en)
8:30 - 9:00
Welkom & koffie netwerken
9:00 – 9:10

Morning Remarks

Yuan-Sheng Yu
Managing Director, Research bij Lux Research

9:10 – 9:40

Retooling Industry: Manufacturing for the EU Green Deal

The ambitions of the EU Green Deal are poised to transform the technological makeup of European industry. Manufacturers that have supported the successful rise of the region must now evolve their organizations in an EU Green Deal world. Policies promoting decarbonization and material circularity will inevitably lead to stranded assets — or will they? Mastering strategies to future-proof operations and the workforce will become increasingly important. 

This presentation will draw on insights from leading manufacturers, highlighting their biggest challenges, and outline strategies necessary to thrive through the transformation of industry. 

Ian Rinehart
Associate Research Director bij Lux Research

9:40 – 10:10

Decarbonization of Industry: Transformational Technologies Shaping the Future of Industry

The industrial sector, encompassing steel, cement, and chemicals, is currently undergoing a profound transformation driven by the urgent call for decarbonization. While the industry is actively pursuing near-term solutions, a fundamental reshaping of /industrial processes will be indispensable as industry journeys toward 2050.

This presentation will put Lux’s Industrial Decarbonization Framework to the test, highlighting the often-conflicting technological pathways and challenges of integrating solution solutions in the industrial sector.

Runeel Daliah
Hoofdanalist bij Lux Research

Mukunda Kaushik
Analist bij Lux Research

10:10 – 10:40
10:40 – 11:20

Client Panel: FutureProofing Innovation Integrating Long-Term Technologies into Today’s Strategies

In a rapidly evolving landscape of disruptive technologies, staying ahead of the curve is more critical than ever. Join our panel of innovation executives as they share their experiences and strategies for incorporating cutting-edge, long-term technologies into their organization’s operations and strategies. Learn about the challenges and opportunities of their future-focused objectives and how they leverage the potential of these innovations to drive growth. 


Yuan-Sheng Yu
Managing Director, Research at Lux Research

Client Panelists:

Paolo Bavaj
Chief Innovation and Development Officer at Stahl

Laurent Lelait
Open Innovation Senior Catalyst at EDF

Josje van der Wielen
Global Business Innovation Director at Arcadis

11:20 – 11:50

Taking Flight: The Future of Aviation in Europe

European airlines account for nearly one-third of all airline passenger traffic in the world. However, the future of short-haul flights in the region faces intriguing challenges due to Europe’s extensive and efficient rail network. Amid this, the aviation industry is embracing the promise of low-carbon fuels, yet Europe is uniquely positioned for the next-generation of aviation with both electric and hydrogen-powered planes.

This presentation will delve into the cutting-edge aviation options, explore drivers and barriers, and offer a preview of the market outlook as developers look to shape the future of European aviation leading up to 2050.

Chris Robinson
Senior Directeur bij Lux Research

Anirudh Bhoopalam
Analyst at Lux Research

11:50 – 12:00


Yuan-Sheng Yu
Managing Director, Research bij Lux Research

12:00 – 14:00
Lunch netwerken

Deskundige sprekers

Global Business Innovation Director at Arcadis

Open Innovation Senior Catalyst at EDF

Chief Innovation & Development Officer at Stahl


Senior Directeur

Senior analist

Geassocieerd onderzoeksdirecteur

Senior Directeur

Over de Lux-forums

De Lux Forums zijn een uitgelezen kans voor besluitvormers op het gebied van innovatie om meer te weten te komen over de commercieel levensvatbare wetenschap en technologie die nodig zijn om duurzame routekaarten voor innovatie mogelijk te maken. Deze evenementenserie brengt de wereldwijde analisten van Lux Research samen met leidinggevenden en thought leaders uit de industrie om van elkaar te leren en de meest kritieke kwesties aan te pakken waar hun industrie vandaag de dag mee te maken heeft. 

Op het Lux Forum zullen materiedeskundigen zinvolle inzichten verschaffen die relevant zijn voor leiders op het gebied van innovatie in olie en gas, nutsbedrijven, industrie, chemie en consumentenproducten. In deze exclusieve setting zullen deelnemers via netwerksessies in contact komen met collega's uit de uitvoerende industrie en zullen ze kennismaken met geavanceerd onderzoek van Lux Research, de toonaangevende leverancier van onderzoek en advies op het gebied van duurzame innovatie. Deze forums leveren de ideeën die u nodig hebt om het innovatietempo in uw bedrijf te verhogen.

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De Lux Forums zijn een uitgelezen kans voor besluitvormers op het gebied van innovatie om meer te weten te komen over consumenteninzichten, wetenschap en technologie die nodig zijn om mensgerichte innovatie mogelijk te maken.

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