Season 2 Episode 1 of our Why Meaning Matters Podcast tackles the future of home and personal space, design and décor.
Have a listen below, or click this image to review the full research report. Here’s a quick executive summary of the core findings:

There’s of course a cynical side to all of this… below is a short snippet from this episode where I discuss the human desire for symbolic capital and the role that “accessible design” plays in giving us capital that goes far beyond practical application.
How does the average Food and Beverage customer use MotivBase?
The chart below shows how customers leverage our capability across 8 core use-case vectors (each vector is basically a trigger that drives the need to use our technology and solution to find answers from a purely consumer-centric perspective). I’ve also added the definitions of each of these use-case vectors for clarity.

Let’s play 20-Questions: If you’re curious to learn more about the specific or tactical questions clients ask us most often, this article walks you through the 20 most common types of questions we get.