The Energy of AI: Navigating the Intersection of Innovation and Infrastructure

Location: Magnolia Hotel Houston, 1100 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002

Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025

Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm CT

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The Energy of AI: Navigating the Intersection of Innovation and Infrastructure

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À propos de l'événement

AI has moved to the forefront of innovation discussions, with promises of transformation across industries. However, its rapid rise has brought with it a frenzy of speculative enthusiasm driving significant investments in companies developing AI solutions and infrastructure to support them. For energy companies, AI presents a dual challenge and opportunity: As enablers of AI-driven innovation, they power the massive infrastructure supporting this technology but also must anticipate and adapt to its evolving energy needs.  

This Lux Forum will bring together thought leaders and experts to explore the relationship between AI and the energy sector. Through keynotes and presentations, we’ll examine the long-term impacts of AI on energy demand and infrastructure, identify emerging trends, and provide actionable insights for positioning businesses to thrive in this era of rapid change. At this Forum, we plan to discuss: 

  • Understanding the AI bubble: Learn how current investment trends and the rapid expansion of AI infrastructure may shape the energy and other industries. 
  • Meeting data center demand: Explore how energy companies can address the growing power needs of data centers. 
  • Unlocking industrial opportunities: Discover opportunities for industrial integration, such as leveraging data center byproducts like heat and CO2, to create innovative co-location strategies. 
  • Assessing carbon capture innovators: Gain insights into the latest advances in carbon capture technologies and their intersection with AI — both supporting and using it. 


Join us in Houston as we cut through the AI hype to uncover its real implications for the energy sector. 

Détails de l'événement

  • Location: Magnolia Hotel Houston, 1100 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002
  • Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025
  • Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm CT

Le petit déjeuner sera offert.

For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Magnolia Hotel Houston. To make your reservation and receive a discounted rate, please use this booking link. The booking link and discounted rate will expire on Monday, March 31st

Quelques jours avant le Lux Forum Houston !
Temps (CT) Description Présentateur(s)
8:00am – 9:00am
Petit-déjeuner de mise en réseau
9:00am – 9:40am

Beyond the Bubble in AI: Finding Real Opportunities for Energy Investment

Few technologies since the advent of mobile devices have promised the vast cross-industry impact that we see today from AI. Whether professionally or personally we’re constantly engaging with AI. But is it helpful, and will it last? Can AI companies actually make money? What should the energy industry actually do about the growth of AI?

In this discussion, Lux will share our answers to these questions and identify where we think energy companies can support its growth.

Anthony Schiavo
Senior Director and Principal Analyst at Lux Research

9:40am – 10:10am

Meeting Data Center Demand with Low-Carbon Power 

Demand for electricity is rising for the first time in decades. It’s also coming at a time when utilities are trying to change the way we generate power and manage electricity networks delivering that power.

In this discussion, Lux will share its most recent work around load growth and take a deep dive into how energy will be sourced for emerging data centers.

Chloe Herrera
Analyste chez Lux Research

Anirudh Bhoopalam, Ph.D.
Analyst at Lux Research

10:10am – 10:40am
Pause de réseautage
10:40am – 11:20am

Maximizing Human-Centric Innovation: From Insights to Action

Human-centric innovation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s an approach that deeply understands and prioritizes human needs, behaviors, and aspirations and a powerful strategy for achieving market dominance, driving exponential growth, and skyrocketing profitability.

This strategy acknowledges that, while technology and data are vital, the essence of successful innovation lies in human creativity, decision-making, and ethical considerations. By focusing on the human element, organizations can develop solutions that resonate with their audiences, ensuring long-term success and relevance in an AI-driven world.

This session will outline and demonstrate practical steps and the tools our clients are leveraging to execute core Lux Innovation Model stages to take a truly human-centric approach to innovation.

James Hungett
Customer Experience Manager at Lux Research

Heather Stevens
Customer Experience Manager at Lux Research

11:20am – 11:50am

Partnering for Success: Identifying Leaders in Carbon Capture 

Conventional wisdom says that heavy-industry has the greatest need for carbon capture solutions, but does the potential emergence of AI change this conversation? Do you need to adjust your carbon management business strategy based on the emergence of data centers?

In this presentation, Lux will share methods for finding the right technology and staying ahead of emerging innovation.

Thomas Briggs
Senior Research Associate at Lux Research

Urvi Mehta
Associé de recherche senior chez Lux Research

Intervenants experts

Client Experience Manager

Client Experience Manager

Chargé de recherche principal

Chargé de recherche principal

Directeur principal et analyste principal

Directeur principal


À propos des forums Lux

Les forums Lux sont une occasion unique pour les décideurs en matière d'innovation d'en apprendre davantage sur les connaissances des consommateurs et sur les sciences et technologies commercialement viables nécessaires pour permettre une innovation centrée sur l'être humain. Cette série d'événements rassemble des analystes mondiaux, des cadres et des leaders d'opinion de l'industrie pour apprendre les uns des autres et aborder les questions les plus critiques auxquelles notre industrie est confrontée aujourd'hui.

Lors du Lux Forum, des experts en la matière fourniront des informations utiles aux leaders de l'innovation dans les secteurs du pétrole et du gaz, des services publics, de l'industrie, de la chimie et des produits de consommation. Dans ce cadre exclusif, les participants établiront des liens avec des homologues de l'industrie au niveau exécutif grâce à des sessions de réseautage et prendront connaissance des recherches de pointe du principal fournisseur de services de recherche et de conseil en matière d'innovation durable, Lux Research. Ces forums vous apporteront la réflexion dont vous avez besoin pour accélérer le rythme de l'innovation dans votre entreprise.

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Rejoignez-nous !

Les forums Lux sont une occasion unique pour les décideurs en matière d'innovation d' en apprendre davantage sur les connaissances des consommateurs, la science et la technologie nécessaires pour permettre une innovation centrée sur l'être humain.

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