애널리스트 인사이트

Technology Landscape: Methane pyrolysis


선임 연구원, 리서치

In this analyst insight, we provide an overview of methane pyrolysis, a cutting-edge technology for producing low-carbon hydrogen by converting methane into hydrogen gas and solid carbon. It competes directly with blue hydrogen — hydrogen from steam methane reforming and carbon capture and sequestration — for producing low-carbon hydrogen from natural gas. Highlighting methane pyrolysis’ environmental benefits and energy efficiency, we explore its three main forms: thermal, plasma, and catalytic pyrolysis. Despite the variations, they all share common technical challenges such as high process temperatures required for high conversion rates. 

We also provide a comprehensive overview of the technology landscape for methane pyrolysis among the different players and regions, analyzing locations and developers of all sizes across all geographies using Lux’s proprietary data tools.


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Technology Landscape: Methane pyrolysis


선임 연구원, 리서치

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