Various digital technologies such as robotics, sensors, and artificial intelligence (AI) are converging with the potential to greatly change the way laboratory research is done.

Momentum for digital technologies in lab research is growing and was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused teams to rapidly adopt digital tools and rethink their current processes. While there are many digital use cases and technologies available to enhance lab research, they can be broadly broken up into three categories: modeling and informatics, knowledge management, and lab automation.

Based on primary interviews, we identified key technologies and use cases for each segment that range from those that are ready to adopt now (e.g., property optimization) to those that should be explored or monitored (e.g., quantum computing). Overall, we found modeling and informatics to have the greatest impact and expect lab automation to take longer to mature. Lastly, we found that cultural barriers pose as significant a challenge to adoption as technology barriers do.

In this report, we develop a roadmap for building the lab of the future by introducing new forms of automation, knowledge management, informatics, and other digital tools to improve the efficiency, quality, and cost of research. We also highlight key lessons learned in digitally transforming the lab by interviewing leaders in this space.

요약본을 다운로드하여 자세히 알아보세요.


배너용 주황색 배경

럭스리서치 소개

럭스리서치는 기술 기반 리서치 및 자문 솔루션을 제공하는 선도적인 기업으로, 고객이 기술 혁신을 통해 성장을 주도할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 리서치 업계의 선구자인 Lux는 기술 전문성과 비즈니스 인사이트를 독점적인 인텔리전스 플랫폼과 결합하여 고급 분석 및 데이터 과학을 통해 진정한 선행 지표를 제시합니다. 1차 연구, 사실에 기반한 분석, 기존 사고에 도전하는 의견에서 도출된 양질의 데이터를 통해 Lux의 고객은 미래의 성공을 보장하기 위해 현재 정보에 입각한 의사결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.


미래의 실험실



리서치 부문 부사장

부사장 겸 그룹 이사

Various digital technologies such as robotics, sensors, and artificial intelligence (AI) are converging with the potential to greatly change the way laboratory research is done.

Momentum for digital technologies in lab research is growing and was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused teams to rapidly adopt digital tools and rethink their current processes. While there are many digital use cases and technologies available to enhance lab research, they can be broadly broken up into three categories: modeling and informatics, knowledge management, and lab automation.

Based on primary interviews, we identified key technologies and use cases for each segment that range from those that are ready to adopt now (e.g., property optimization) to those that should be explored or monitored (e.g., quantum computing). Overall, we found modeling and informatics to have the greatest impact and expect lab automation to take longer to mature. Lastly, we found that cultural barriers pose as significant a challenge to adoption as technology barriers do.

In this report, we develop a roadmap for building the lab of the future by introducing new forms of automation, knowledge management, informatics, and other digital tools to improve the efficiency, quality, and cost of research. We also highlight key lessons learned in digitally transforming the lab by interviewing leaders in this space.

요약본을 다운로드하여 자세히 알아보세요.


곧 다운로드가 시작됩니다.

미래의 실험실



리서치 부문 부사장

부사장 겸 그룹 이사

럭스리서치 소개

럭스리서치는 기술 기반 리서치 및 자문 솔루션을 제공하는 선도적인 기업으로, 고객이 기술 혁신을 통해 성장을 주도할 수 있도록 지원합니다. 리서치 업계의 선구자인 Lux는 기술 전문성과 비즈니스 인사이트를 독점적인 인텔리전스 플랫폼과 결합하여 고급 분석 및 데이터 과학을 통해 진정한 선행 지표를 제시합니다. 1차 연구, 사실에 기반한 분석, 기존 사고에 도전하는 의견에서 도출된 양질의 데이터를 통해 Lux의 고객은 미래의 성공을 보장하기 위해 현재 정보에 입각한 의사결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.

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