Beyond Buzzwords: Predicting the Next Wave of Consumer Trends

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Senior Directeur Onderzoek

What do terms like omnichannel, next gen, betterment, and AI-powered have in common? They’re all buzzwords. While buzzwords may originally reflect current trends, emerging ideas, or movements that capture widespread attention, they typically lose meaning and impact through overuse.

Not surprisingly, consumers are increasingly skeptical of marketing jargon and buzzwords that put style over substance. They are doubtful of campaigns they feel prioritize hype and buzz over demonstrating unique value and credibility. 

Yet, marketing hype and fleeting fads saturate the consumer landscape. To gain a strategic edge, brands must separate short-lived trends from the enduring shifts that will shape consumer behavior in the long run. This is where Lux for Predictive Anthropology, powered by MotivAI, offers a powerful advantage.

The Problem with Trend Reports

Many trend reports focus on the immediate: what’s popular right now, the colors in vogue, or the buzzwords dominating social media. While these snapshots offer some value, they do not reveal the deeper “why” behind trends, leaving brands vulnerable to chasing fads rather than shaping the future.

Lux for Predictive Anthropology: Decoding the Future

That’s where Lux for Predictive Anthropology, powered by MotivAI, offers unique insights. It employs a distinct approach:

  • Understanding the Cultural Narrative: MotivAI analyzes the stories consumers tell, the metaphors they use, and the emotions they express, revealing deeper cultural undercurrents that shape future desires.
  • Identifying Emerging Values: MotivAI tracks how values like sustainability, individualism, and community evolve within consumer conversations, highlighting shifts in priorities that influence product expectations.
  • Finding the Unarticulated Need: MotivAI deciphers patterns of frustration or aspiration to reveal areas ripe for innovation that may not be fully expressed by consumers themselves.

Why Predictive Anthropology Matters for Brands

This approach offers significant advantages:

  • Strategic Foresight: Instead of reacting to trends, brands can predict them, enabling proactive innovation aligned with the long-term trajectory of the market.
  • Resonant Product Development: Brands can design products that tap into deep-seated needs and values, ensuring their continued relevance.
  • Authentic Messaging: They can also craft campaigns that speak to the heart of what consumers truly care about, building genuine trust.

Detox: The Buzzword Fueling Health and Wellness Marketing Hype and How to Move Beyond the Hype

Let’s take “detox” as an example. The term “detox” is widely used as a buzzword in marketing, particularly in health, wellness, beauty, and diet industries. It’s often associated with products or practices that claim to cleanse the body of toxins, improve well-being, and promote overall health. A quick search for “detox” in social media brings up detox water, detox smoothies, detox diets, detox teas, detox skincare, and even digital detoxes.

“Detox” risks becoming a buzzword because it speaks to the common desire for easy health solutions and a more rested, balanced lifestyle. It’s a catchy term that promises simplicity — a quick way to address health concerns by “removing toxins.” Though “detox” risks becoming a buzzword, it also reflects a growing interest in broader trends like wellness and health optimization, and we can use anthropology to help us explore opportunities that cut through the hype.

Take detoxifying skincare as an example. Consumers associate detox and skincare with better lifestyle choices. It’s not just about what they put on their skin; it’s also about what they put in their body, and how they treat their body overall. They believe that a healthy and balanced lifestyle, including reducing alcohol and sugar intake, is a form of skin detox. Consumers are interested in a more comprehensive, internal approach to skincare and are exploring supplements, smoothies, and proper hydration as ways to detox and thus improve their skin. 

They expect a “detoxifying” product will not irritate or aggravate their skin and are interested in detoxifying skincare products that contribute to broader wellness goals. They look for holistic benefits that support skin health, physical health optimization, and mental and emotional well-being. 

Consumers appreciate brands with a strong ethos that aligns with their values on health, wellness, and environmental responsibility. They want to be sure they can trust the brands they choose, and they want a better understanding of the ingredients in healthy products. Consumers also expect authenticity and transparency when it comes to messaging. Adopting a transparent approach to marketing by clearly listing all ingredients, sourcing information, and the ecological impact of products would help create authentic messaging for these types of products. By aligning with consumers’ unspoken needs and their values, we can develop products and services that shape the future rather than follow fads.

The Takeaway

Successful brands shape the future, not merely follow it. Lux for Predictive Anthropology, powered by MotivAI, offers the insights needed to understand the cultural forces driving consumer behavior, leading to truly resonant products, experiences, and messaging. 

Learn more about breaking through hype cycles in innovation at the Lux Forum in Silicon Valley on December 10, 2024, where we will proactively identify core consumer needs to create differentiation.

Register for the forum here

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