
De toekomst van de luchtvaart: Kansen in SAF's, waterstof en elektrische luchtvaart

Electric aviation marks a significant transformation in future aviation. The global passenger count, severely impacted in 2020 by COVID-19, is expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels by 2025, with about 4 billion passengers, and potentially surge to 8 billion annually thereafter, mainly due to growth in Asia and Africa. However, without significant intervention, this increase could lead to a rise in CO2 emissions from today’s 2 billion tonne to 3 billion tonne. To address this, global initiatives, led by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents over 300 airlines, aim for net-zero emissions by 2050, underscoring the industry’s commitment to sustainability.

As we explore low-carbon aviation technologies, it’s essential to keep in mind the broader objectives of the aviation industry: flying more passengers while significantly reducing carbon footprints. In this eBook, we discuss innovative technologies that could revolutionize air travel in the decades to come.


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De toekomst van de luchtvaart: Kansen in SAF's, waterstof en elektrische luchtvaart


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