Consumer and technology insights engineered to power human-centric innovationĀ you can trust.

Our informed perspectives, created by Lux experts and fueled by primary research, cut through the hype around consumer beliefs and innovation feasibility.

We enable clients to seize opportunities in product development, discover new markets, and transform business models to disrupt and avoid disruption.

Temui sebahagian daripada 300+ Pelanggan Global kami

The most successful organizations in the world trust our Lux Take on technologies, markets, and consumers.

Lux Insights

Lux produces 100% pure proprietary research crafted by industry experts, scientists, engineers, and anthropologists. We progressively use AI and analytics, but rest assured, the research we create is done by real people using rigorous formalized research development processes and proven methodologies.

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Blog Terkini

Insights that Fuel Human-Centric Innovation

Lux Research helps you every step of the way on your innovation journey


Spark the right idea.

Lux helps you find the strong signals in the noise around new innovations and consumer trends to accelerate ideation.


Enlighten your strategy.

Lux gives you the process and decision frameworks you need to build the story and trusted, objective data points required to bolster your narrative.


Activate your vision.

Lux gives you the necessary policy, regulatory, and sustainability insights to reduce risk and the technology insights to avoidĀ commercialization pitfalls.

Innovation Leader Profile


Phil Clark, Chief Technology Officer, Nouryon

Mainkan Video
The Value of Lux

Lux CEO, Marisa Kopec, sits down with Phil Clark to discuss everything from biosurfactants and machine learning to tools to manage and communicate change across large global teams.

Their conversation is sure to inspire existing and aspiring leaders in the evolving field of innovation leadership.

How Lux Helps

Lux Research is precisely engineered for leaders of innovation, R&D, insights, marketing, and corporate development functions.

Drive Human-Centric Innovation

Lux Research helps you understand what consumers care about and predict their future needs and preferences to create products they will adopt and purchase.

Bolster Commercial Resilience
Lux Research helps you predict where the energy industry is going to ensure you make the right decisions on how to invest in the technologies that will be commercially viable now and in the future.
De-Fossilize Operations
Lux Research helps ensure you are agile with meeting growing product demand while you de-fossilize your value chain.
Navigate Disruption

Lux Research helps you
discover and address gaps in your supply chain by placing the right bets on innovation.

Transition and Transform

Lux Research helps you balance an incremental transition with transformative change.

Uncover New Markets
Lux Research helps you accelerate growth by extending current products to new customers and successfully re-tool your manufacturing expertise to align with emerging customer needs.
Avoid Innovation Hype
Lux Research helps you challenge the hype around technology readiness and consumer understanding and expectations to confidently isolate real innovation opportunities.
Lux keeps us grounded from the hype and fads and tells us what is real with technology and where the consumer is actually going.
- Chief Technology Officer
Lux is honest, always fair, and transparent. We trust the "Lux Take" on consumers, markets and technologies.
- Chief Innovation Officer
Lux keeps us honest and takes out the bias. The Lux predictive anthropology approach is one third cheaper than our previous market research methods and we are faster and get more and better output.
- Head of Insights

Bagaimana Kami berkhidmat kepada pelanggan kami

Kami menyediakan penyelidikan berasaskan manusia, berkuasa sains yang dibolehkan oleh AI dan teknologi digital.

Pakar Saintifik

Pasukan pemegang ijazah lanjutan dengan latar belakang STEM

Rangkaian Industri

Wawancara mendalam dengan syarikat permulaan dan pakar industri

Alat Proprietari

AI yang sangat khusus digabungkan dengan tafsiran manusia

Akses segera kepada beribu-ribu pandangan mengenai teknologi baru muncul, profil syarikat, landskap teknologi, trend pandangan pengguna dan banyak lagi

Sokongan kepimpinan eksekutif individu dan berstruktur memberi tumpuan kepada memberikan kejelasan dan keyakinan, serta hubungan dengan rakan sebaya

Bekerjasama dengan Pasukan Kepakaran Lux untuk penyelidikan strategik yang mendalam mengenai segala-galanya dari penilaian pasaran hingga carian dan pemilihan rakan kongsi untuk kajian etnografi tersuai

pengetahuan unik kami

Apa yang menjadikan Lux istimewa adalah keupayaan kami untuk menghubungkan pandangan merentasi industri, domain saintifik, dan budaya untuk memberi anda perspektif interdisipliner dan merentas industri yang lengkap.

Akan Datang Forum

Penyelidikan Kritikal Misi di Hujung Jari Anda

Atasi cabaran perniagaan hari ini dan memimpin organisasi anda menjadi esok yang lebih baik dengan tujuan, kejelasan, strategi, dan kepakaran yang menggerakkan jarum.

Dipercayai Oleh

Apa yang anda mahucari semula hari ini?