Kepimpinan Pasukan

Temui Pasukan Eksekutif Kami

Marisa Kopec

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif

Scott Wilson

Ketua Pegawai Kewangan

Arij van Berkel, Ph.D.

Ketua Pegawai Produk

Marisa Kopec

Marisa Kopec ialah Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif di Lux.   Beliau mengetuai pasukan yang berbakat dan berpengalaman yang memberi tumpuan kepada misi yang didorong tujuan untuk mengkaji sains novel, teknologi baru muncul, dan tingkah laku pengguna untuk membolehkan "inovasi mampan" untuk pelanggan Lux. Minat beliau adalah pertumbuhan melalui inovasi dan membantu pemimpin korporat mencapai kemampanan dan sasaran sifar bersih mereka.

Marisa menyertai Lux pada Januari 2021 sebagai Ketua Pegawai Penyelidik Lux. Beliau bertanggungjawab untuk perkhidmatan penyelidikan dan perundingan bersindiket Lux Research serta pembangunan dan pengurusan produk baru. Sejak dua tahun kebelakangan ini, Marisa telah mengatur transformasi cemerlang strategi produk Lux, dari harga dan pembungkusan hingga penciptaan semula penyampaian digital dan perkhidmatan yang telah memainkan peranan penting dalam keupayaan syarikat untuk skala dan berkembang.

Marisa adalah peneraju penyelidikan pasaran berpengalaman dengan pengalaman selama 30+ tahun. Beliau berkhidmat sebagai Naib Presiden Kanan Pengurusan Produk Penyelidikan di Forrester. Beliau bertanggungjawab secara komersial untuk barisan produk SiriusDecisions dan berjaya mengetuai strategi pergi ke pasaran baru untuk Forrester berikutan pengambilalihan SiriusDecisions pada tahun 2019.

Sebelum Forrester, beliau adalah Ketua Produk dan Inovasi di SiriusDecisions dan ahli pasukan eksekutif yang mengembangkan firma penyelidikan dan penasihat permulaan menjadi perniagaan $ 100M. Beliau bertanggungjawab untuk mereka bentuk dan melaksanakan proses pengurusan produk dan tadbir urus organisasi. Juga, Marisa mengubah strategi produk SiriusDecisions dan seni bina pergi ke pasaran sambil memimpin transformasi digital asal dan penyampaian harta intelek syarikat.

Sebelum SiriusDecisions, Marisa menghabiskan 12 tahun dengan Gartner, baru-baru ini sebagai naib presiden pengurusan dan pemimpin produk untuk unit perniagaan High-Tech dan Telecom Gartner. Beliau juga menjalankan pemasaran global di Gartner dan merupakan Ketua Pegawai Privasi.   Sebagai tambahan kepada pengalaman pengurusannya di organisasi penyelidikan pasaran, Marisa terkenal dengan metodologi inovatifnya yang diiktiraf dan diiktiraf oleh industri (contohnya, model PMM SiriusDecisions, Pemesejan Nautilus, dan Rangka Kerja Persona Pembeli) yang telah beroperasi secara meluas di seluruh organisasi B2B hari ini.

Scott Wilson

Scott Wilson adalah Ketua Pegawai Kewangan di Lux Research dan bertanggungjawab untuk fungsi kewangan syarikat termasuk perancangan dan analisis, perakaunan, cukai, perbendaharaan, dan operasi kewangan perniagaan.

Scott mempunyai lebih daripada 15 tahun pengalaman kewangan dan operasi dengan kedua-dua syarikat teknologi global awam dan swasta. Sebelum Lux, beliau adalah Naib Presiden Kewangan di LogicManager, sebuah syarikat perisian-sebagai-perkhidmatan yang memberi tumpuan kepada pengurusan risiko perusahaan. Scott membantu memimpin Syarikat melalui pertumbuhan eksponen dan menyelia pengembangan antarabangsa pertamanya. Sebelum itu Scott adalah Pengawal Korporat di QuickBase, platform pembangunan kod rendah yang dijual kepada Rakan Kongsi Ekuiti Vista untuk penilaian > $ 1 bilion. Sebelum QuickBase, beliau memegang peranan di Amazon, Backstage LLC, dan Nuansa Communications.

Scott menerima Ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam Perakaunan dari Ithaca College dan Ijazah Sarjana dalam Perakaunan dari Universiti Northeastern. Beliau juga memegang lesen CPA di Massachusetts.

Arij van Berkel, Ph.D.

Arij adalah Ketua Pegawai Produk (CPO) di Lux Research yang bertanggungjawab ke atas semua pasukan penyelidikan dan kepakaran Lux. Arij menyertai Lux Research pada tahun 2015, mengetuai pasukan penyelidikan tenaga dan Kepakaran Lux sehingga 2023, apabila beliau menjadi CPO. Sebagai CPO, adalah misinya untuk memastikan Lux menyokong semua pelanggannya dengan maklumat, pandangan, analisis, dan pendapat yang paling relevan, berkualiti tinggi dan paling terkini untuk memaklumkan dan meningkatkan keputusan inovasi yang dibuat oleh pelanggan setiap hari.

Sebelum menyertai Lux Research, Arij bekerja untuk Shell dan Pertubuhan Penyelidikan Saintifik Gunaan Belanda (TNO), organisasi penyelidikan dan teknologi awam Belanda. Di Shell, beliau menjalankan penyelidikan dalam keselamatan proses dan pembakaran. Di TNO, beliau bekerja pada pelbagai topik termasuk pemeliharaan makanan, pengurangan pelepasan, dan penukaran biojisim. Kemudian, sebagai pengarah inovasi TNO untuk industri kimia, beliau bertanggungjawab untuk keseluruhan portfolio projek TNO untuk industri kimia dan berhubung dengan kerajaan Belanda dan EU mengenai dasar inovasi.

Arij memperoleh M.Sc dalam bidang kejuruteraan mekanikal dari Universiti Twente dan Ph.D. dari Universiti Eindhoven.

Steve Dodman

Ketua Pegawai Jualan

Steve Dodman

Sebagai Ketua Pegawai Jualan, Steve Dodman mengetuai organisasi jualan global Lux Research dengan menyediakan kepimpinan, hala tuju, dan visi eksekutif untuk memastikan sejajar dengan matlamat kewangan dan strategik syarikat. Dengan pengalaman 20+ tahun memacu pendapatan, keuntungan, dan prestasi dalam industri perkhidmatan profesional, Steve membawa kepintaran perniagaan yang kuat dan tenaga kreatif kepada Lux. Bekerja secara kolaboratif merentasi jualan, pemasaran, penyelidikan, dan perundingan, Steve bertanggungjawab untuk memimpin pasukan jualan dalam usaha mereka untuk memberikan penyelesaian kepada pelanggan ketika mereka berusaha untuk memacu inovasi dan pertumbuhan yang mampan.

Sebelum menyertai Lux Research, Steve memegang jawatan jualan dan pemasaran peringkat kanan dengan Insider Intelligence, Richardson Sales Performance, Sirius Decisions, IDG, dan GBMP. Pengalamannya termasuk menentukan dan melaksanakan strategi pergi ke pasaran dan membina pasukan jualan yang memenangi anugerah. Steve memegang B.Sc dalam Pengurusan Perniagaan dari University of Massachusetts dan MBA dari Babson College. Beliau telah dipilih sebagai Pemimpin Baru muncul di Bandar Boston dan kini merupakan felo di Pusat Kepimpinan Kolaboratif. Steve tinggal di luar Boston, Massachusetts bersama keluarganya.

Meet Some of Our Lux Experts

Samhitha Udupa

VP Operasi Produk

Naveen Krishnamurthy, Naib Presiden, Rakan Kongsi Eksekutif, Lux Research

Naveen Krishnamurthy

Senior Vice President, Executive Programs

Yuan-Sheng Yu, Managing Director

Yuan-Sheng Yu

Managing Director

Lux for Innovation Leaders: Chemicals & Industrials

Samhitha Udupa

Samhitha adalah Naib Presiden Operasi Produk di Lux. Sumbangan beliau dalam projek nasihat telah memudahkan pengkomersialan teknologi dalam bahan binaan termaju, proses pembuatan nanomaterial, fotovoltaik bersepadu bangunan, teknologi penghantaran dadah novel, dan pemangkin nano, untuk menamakan beberapa. Sebelum kerja perundingannya di Lux Research, Samhitha merupakan penyumbang utama kepada pasukan Perisikan Biosains, di mana beliau telah menjalankan penyelidikan primer dan sekunder yang luas dalam biofuel, biomaterial, penghantaran yang disasarkan, biologi sintetik, dan bidang biosains baru muncul yang lain.

Samhitha menyertai pasukan Penyelidikan Lux dari University of Pennsylvania di mana beliau bersama-sama mereka bentuk instrumen diagnostik yang mengukur tork dan pelbagai gerakan otot cuff rotator pada pesakit yang menderita sakit bahu kronik (paten belum selesai).

Samhitha memegang B.S. dalam Bioengineering dari University of Pennsylvania.

Yuan-Sheng Yu

Yuan-Sheng Yu is a managing director, research, at Lux, where he leads the Materials and Manufacturing group’s research and advisory solutions. In this role, he is a trusted partner to industry executives, guiding their strategic initiatives on emerging trends from decarbonization, circularity, and sustainability. Yuan-Sheng leads a team dedicated to uncovering novel and innovative solutions and advising multinational corporations, venture capitalists, and government agencies to shape their innovation strategies through the development of technology roadmaps, market entry strategies, and assessments of partnerships and investment opportunities. He has experience engaging global organizations from the oil and gas, utilities, industrials, chemicals, and materials sectors and brings both a cross-industry and international viewpoint to all research and advisory engagements enriched by his previous leadership roles as the head of Lux’s Energy group’s consulting team and Asia research team.

Yuan-Sheng holds an M.Sc. from the University of Georgia and B.Sc. from the University of California – Berkeley.

Ian Rinehart

Pengarah Penyelidikan Bersekutu

Lux for Innovation Leaders: Industrials

Cheryl Auger

Senior Research Director

Lux for Predictive Anthropology

Amy Huras

Pengarah Penyelidikan

Lux for Predictive Anthropology

Ian Rinehart

Ian Rinehart is an associate research director at Lux and contributes to the Manufacturing group’s coverage of built-environment materials, the circular economy, and industrial policy. In this role, he guides the research priorities for the Manufacturing Process and Technology team and supports clients putting innovation into practice in their companies.

Prior to joining Lux, Ian worked in the Palo Alto, California, office of Mitsubishi Corporation, where he conducted research on a wide range of technology topics, such as self-driving cars, cellular agriculture, and in-store retail experiences. Previously, he worked for the Congressional Research Service, a nonpartisan, legislative-branch agency, as a foreign policy expert focused on East Asia.

Ian holds an M.A. in security policy studies from George Washington University (Elliott School of International Affairs) and a B.A. in international relations from Pomona College.

Cheryl Auger

In her role as senior director of Predictive Anthropology at Lux Research, Cheryl oversees client engagement, research delivery, and feedback management and collaborates with account management to ensure the provision of top-tier client service and high-quality research. Cheryl is recognized as a thought leader and has showcased her expertise at Lux Forums held in Amsterdam, New York City, and Tokyo. She has also presented at industry conferences like Qual360 and IIEX.

Prior to her tenure at Lux, Cheryl served as an independent researcher, teaching assistant, and research assistant at the University of Toronto and Queen’s University. Holding an M.A. in political studies from Queen’s University, she has contributed to publications with the University of Toronto Press and Minnesota University Press. Cheryl’s dedication to outstanding research was acknowledged with the receipt of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.

Amy Huras

Amy Huras is a research director at Lux and leads the Predictive Anthropology team’s U.S. coverage of consumer insights. In this role, she coordinates and oversees qualitative research projects, develops and implements research procedures, and provides ongoing training in technology-enabled ethnographic research methods. She is responsible for the quality of the research produced by the team and liaises with the Client Delivery and Advisory team to ensure deliverables meet client expectations.

Prior to joining Lux, Amy was an assistant professor and faculty fellow at New York University’s Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Toronto.

Michael Holman, Ph.D., Naib Presiden Kanan, Pengarah Kumpulan, Lux Research

Michael Holman

SVP, Research Program Director

Lux for Innovation Leaders: Government and Non-Profit
Anthony Schiavo, Research Director at Lux Research

Anthony Schiavo

Penganalisis Utama

Lux for Innovation Leaders: Government and Non-Profit

Joshua Haslun

Pengarah Penyelidikan

Lux for Innovation Leaders: CPG

Michael Holman, Ph.D.

Michael Holman is SVP and research program director at Lux Research, leading a team of analysts and consultants who help clients, primarily large global corporations, with new opportunities in emerging technology areas from 3D printing to advanced materials to the circular economy.

He has been with Lux since 2005, shortly after the company was founded, and held a variety of positions in research, consulting, and client service. Michael earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from Columbia University, where he worked at Columbia’s Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center. He also holds a B.A. in chemistry and philosophy from Rice University.

Anthony Schiavo

Anthony Schiavo is a principal analyst at Lux Research. Anthony is a thought leader in sustainable innovation. He explores emerging issues and helps shape Lux’s research agenda across climate technology, the circular economy, consumer technology, policy, and innovation practices. Anthony provides strategic advice and guidance for executives in the chemicals, manufacturing, and consumer goods industries and frequently gives his views on innovation at industry events, at Lux Research webinars and forums, and in the media.

Anthony received a B.Sc. in materials science and engineering from Virginia Tech. During his tenure at Virginia Tech, Anthony focused his research activities on biomaterial composites and nanotechnology ethics.

Joshua Haslun, Ph.D.

Joshua Haslun is the senior director of the CPG service at Lux Research. In this role, he sets the direction and strategy for research spanning innovations from agricultural production to end-consumer products and services. He has enabled client decision-making, partnership development, and new business development by illuminating an understanding of emerging and innovative technologies and business models through which to implement them.

Josh obtained a dual-degree Ph.D. in zoology and ecology, evolutionary biology, and behavior from Michigan State University. He also holds a B.Sc. in biology from Siena College and an M.Sc. in biology specializing in marine science from Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi.

Harini Venkataraman

Pengarah Penyelidikan Bersekutu

Lux for Innovation Leaders: CPG
Christopher Robinson

Chris Robinson

Pengarah Kanan

Lux for Innovation Leaders: Utilities, Oil & Gas
Chloe Herrera

Chloe Herrera


Lux for Innovation Leaders: Utilities

Harini Venkataraman, Ph.D.

Harini is an associate research director on the Agrifood and Health team at Lux Research and is based in Amsterdam. In this role, she monitors emerging technologies and evaluates innovation opportunities related to food and nutrition, such as novel ingredients, sugar reduction, alternative proteins, food safety, personalized nutrition, and the microbiome.

Before joining Lux, Harini worked as a senior associate scientist at DSM Food Specialties, the Netherlands. She also has experience working on projects related to regulatory affairs and toxicology. Harini holds a Ph.D. in biotechnology from Vrije University, Amsterdam. She has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals as well as established successful academic and industrial collaborations.

Christopher Robinson

Christopher Robinson is the senior director of the Energy team at Lux Research where he focuses on identifying and understanding the technologies and business models powering the energy transition. In this role, he works with a diverse set of clients to provide strategic advice on the business models and technologies powering the energy transition. His research focuses primarily on mobility’s role in the energy transition including electric powertrains, supporting infrastructure, and the intersection of the energy transition with autonomous and connected vehicles.

Prior to joining Lux, Chris worked at Purdue University’s Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion Laboratory where his research focused on engineering higher-efficiency thermoelectric materials.

He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from Purdue University.

Chloe Herrera

Chloe Herrera is an analyst at Lux and leads the Energy team’s coverage of battery technology for electric vehicles and stationary storage. In this role, she analyzes opportunities for novel battery chemistries and follows energy storage market trends. Specifically, Chloe covers innovations in Li-ion technology, the battery supply chain, and long-duration battery storage. She has also contributed to research in battery recycling and raw material extraction.

Prior to joining Lux, Chloe conducted research on superconducting materials, authoring four academic papers on the subject. She holds an M.Sc. in condensed matter physics from the University of Connecticut and a B.A. from Smith College.

Kristin Marshall

Pengarah Penyelidikan Bersekutu

Lux for Innovation Leaders: Chemicals

Runeel Daliah

Penganalisis Utama

Lux for Innovation Leaders: Oil and Gas

Kristin Marshall

Kristin is an associate research director at Lux Research on the Materials and Manufacturing team. In this role, she evaluates a wide range of materials innovations for a more connected, mobile, and sustainable future. The team’s focus is on materials technologies themselves, specifically those improving people’s ability to communicate and travel, build smarter, lasting infrastructure, cities, and homes, and make products that have less of an impact on human health and the health of the planet.

Over the past several years, Kristin has covered topics ranging from biobased polymers and biobased intermediate chemicals to consumer packaging. Kristin also contributes to Lux’s broader coverage of sustainability.

Kristin holds an M.Sc. in chemical engineering from Oregon State University, where she worked as a graduate teaching assistant as well as a graduate research assistant investigating complex fluids and soft solids. She also holds a B.A. in economics from New York University (NYU) with a minor in environmental studies. She holds a certification in corporate sustainability from NYU Stern School of Business.

Runeel Daliah

Runeel Daliah is a principal analyst at Lux Research and part of Lux’s Energy team. He currently leads the group’s coverage of the decarbonization of the energy system, focusing on carbon capture and utilization and the hydrogen economy. In this role, he advises global energy and materials and chemicals companies as well as government organizations on the technical and regulatory drivers enabling the adoption of low-carbon technologies, drawing from extensive primary research with policymakers, academics, technology developers, and corporate stakeholders.

Runeel holds an M.Sc. in chemical engineering from the University of Manchester in the U.K.

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