Kepimpinan Pasukan
Temui Pasukan Eksekutif Kami
Marisa Kopec
Marisa Kopec ialah Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif di Lux. Beliau mengetuai pasukan yang berbakat dan berpengalaman yang memberi tumpuan kepada misi yang didorong tujuan untuk mengkaji sains novel, teknologi baru muncul, dan tingkah laku pengguna untuk membolehkan "inovasi mampan" untuk pelanggan Lux. Minat beliau adalah pertumbuhan melalui inovasi dan membantu pemimpin korporat mencapai kemampanan dan sasaran sifar bersih mereka.
Marisa menyertai Lux pada Januari 2021 sebagai Ketua Pegawai Penyelidik Lux. Beliau bertanggungjawab untuk perkhidmatan penyelidikan dan perundingan bersindiket Lux Research serta pembangunan dan pengurusan produk baru. Sejak dua tahun kebelakangan ini, Marisa telah mengatur transformasi cemerlang strategi produk Lux, dari harga dan pembungkusan hingga penciptaan semula penyampaian digital dan perkhidmatan yang telah memainkan peranan penting dalam keupayaan syarikat untuk skala dan berkembang.
Marisa adalah peneraju penyelidikan pasaran berpengalaman dengan pengalaman selama 30+ tahun. Beliau berkhidmat sebagai Naib Presiden Kanan Pengurusan Produk Penyelidikan di Forrester. Beliau bertanggungjawab secara komersial untuk barisan produk SiriusDecisions dan berjaya mengetuai strategi pergi ke pasaran baru untuk Forrester berikutan pengambilalihan SiriusDecisions pada tahun 2019.
Sebelum Forrester, beliau adalah Ketua Produk dan Inovasi di SiriusDecisions dan ahli pasukan eksekutif yang mengembangkan firma penyelidikan dan penasihat permulaan menjadi perniagaan $ 100M. Beliau bertanggungjawab untuk mereka bentuk dan melaksanakan proses pengurusan produk dan tadbir urus organisasi. Juga, Marisa mengubah strategi produk SiriusDecisions dan seni bina pergi ke pasaran sambil memimpin transformasi digital asal dan penyampaian harta intelek syarikat.
Sebelum SiriusDecisions, Marisa menghabiskan 12 tahun dengan Gartner, baru-baru ini sebagai naib presiden pengurusan dan pemimpin produk untuk unit perniagaan High-Tech dan Telecom Gartner. Beliau juga menjalankan pemasaran global di Gartner dan merupakan Ketua Pegawai Privasi. Sebagai tambahan kepada pengalaman pengurusannya di organisasi penyelidikan pasaran, Marisa terkenal dengan metodologi inovatifnya yang diiktiraf dan diiktiraf oleh industri (contohnya, model PMM SiriusDecisions, Pemesejan Nautilus, dan Rangka Kerja Persona Pembeli) yang telah beroperasi secara meluas di seluruh organisasi B2B hari ini.
Scott Wilson
Scott Wilson adalah Ketua Pegawai Kewangan di Lux Research dan bertanggungjawab untuk fungsi kewangan syarikat termasuk perancangan dan analisis, perakaunan, cukai, perbendaharaan, dan operasi kewangan perniagaan.
Scott mempunyai lebih daripada 15 tahun pengalaman kewangan dan operasi dengan kedua-dua syarikat teknologi global awam dan swasta. Sebelum Lux, beliau adalah Naib Presiden Kewangan di LogicManager, sebuah syarikat perisian-sebagai-perkhidmatan yang memberi tumpuan kepada pengurusan risiko perusahaan. Scott membantu memimpin Syarikat melalui pertumbuhan eksponen dan menyelia pengembangan antarabangsa pertamanya. Sebelum itu Scott adalah Pengawal Korporat di QuickBase, platform pembangunan kod rendah yang dijual kepada Rakan Kongsi Ekuiti Vista untuk penilaian > $ 1 bilion. Sebelum QuickBase, beliau memegang peranan di Amazon, Backstage LLC, dan Nuansa Communications.
Scott menerima Ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam Perakaunan dari Ithaca College dan Ijazah Sarjana dalam Perakaunan dari Universiti Northeastern. Beliau juga memegang lesen CPA di Massachusetts.
Arij van Berkel, Ph.D.
Arij van Berkel, Ph.D., is the Chief Product Officer (CPO) at Lux Research, overseeing all research and Lux Expertise teams. He is based in Amsterdam. Since joining Lux in 2015, Arij has been instrumental in shaping the company’s thought leadership, initially leading the energy research and Lux Expertise teams before becoming CPO in 2023. Central to Arij’s role is holding the vision of trusted adviser to ensure that Lux delivers the most relevant, high-quality insights, analysis, and guidance to help clients make informed innovation and investment decisions.
Prior to joining Lux, Arij held key positions at Shell, where he conducted research in process safety and combustion, and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). At TNO, Arij worked on sustainability initiatives such as emissions reduction, process optimization, food preservation waste treatment, and biomass conversion, later becoming the innovation director for the chemicals industry, managing large project portfolios and advising on Dutch and EU innovation policies. Arij is also a highly regarded speaker, frequently presenting at Lux Forums and international conferences.
Arij holds an M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from Twente University and a Ph.D. from Eindhoven University.
Steve Dodman
Sebagai Ketua Pegawai Jualan, Steve Dodman mengetuai organisasi jualan global Lux Research dengan menyediakan kepimpinan, hala tuju, dan visi eksekutif untuk memastikan sejajar dengan matlamat kewangan dan strategik syarikat. Dengan pengalaman 20+ tahun memacu pendapatan, keuntungan, dan prestasi dalam industri perkhidmatan profesional, Steve membawa kepintaran perniagaan yang kuat dan tenaga kreatif kepada Lux. Bekerja secara kolaboratif merentasi jualan, pemasaran, penyelidikan, dan perundingan, Steve bertanggungjawab untuk memimpin pasukan jualan dalam usaha mereka untuk memberikan penyelesaian kepada pelanggan ketika mereka berusaha untuk memacu inovasi dan pertumbuhan yang mampan.
Sebelum menyertai Lux Research, Steve memegang jawatan jualan dan pemasaran peringkat kanan dengan Insider Intelligence, Richardson Sales Performance, Sirius Decisions, IDG, dan GBMP. Pengalamannya termasuk menentukan dan melaksanakan strategi pergi ke pasaran dan membina pasukan jualan yang memenangi anugerah. Steve memegang B.Sc dalam Pengurusan Perniagaan dari University of Massachusetts dan MBA dari Babson College. Beliau telah dipilih sebagai Pemimpin Baru muncul di Bandar Boston dan kini merupakan felo di Pusat Kepimpinan Kolaboratif. Steve tinggal di luar Boston, Massachusetts bersama keluarganya.
Temui Beberapa Pakar Lux Kami
Naveen Krishnamurthy
As Senior Vice President of Lux Executive Programs, Naveen Krishnamurthy leads high-impact relationships with companies navigating multidecade transitions. He is based in New York City. In his role, Naveen brings about important connections among C-level leaders at peer-group companies, engages Lux Research’s repository of research across multiple areas of emerging innovation, and advises clients on strategic growth imperatives in diverse industries.
Naveen brings two decades of research, industry, and consulting experience in commercially viable innovation to address entrenched problems. Most recently, Naveen’s work has spanned ideation, market penetration, and transaction due diligence for clients on three continents. Prior to joining Lux, Naveen served as business development manager at Harvest Power, a waste-to-energy developer funded by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, where he evaluated technologies, developed economic and strategic analyses, and assisted in executing several acquisitions. In his consulting roles before Lux, Naveen helped venture capital and buyout firms analyze industries, assess growth opportunities, and identify attractive targets in carbon markets, emissions control, healthcare IT, packaging, testing and measurement, and food and beverage for Firelake Capital, Graham Partners, and Lux Capital. Previously, as an environmental engineer at AECOM, Naveen conducted design, planning, and construction management for water/wastewater treatment, solid and hazardous waste management, and air pollution control for utilities, federal agencies, and countries.
Naveen graduated with an MBA in finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was a recipient of the Joseph Wharton Fellowship. He received an M.S. in environmental engineering at Pennsylvania State University, where he conducted U.S. Department of Energy-funded laboratory research to develop an innovative treatment for high-level nuclear waste. He has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals and has spoken and moderated at conferences related to waste treatment, land and water management, water reuse, and corporate sustainability. Naveen is a certified ISO 14001 auditor.
Naveen thrives on the energy, diversity, and cultural offerings of New York, which help drive his thinking on innovation in sustainability and strategic growth.
Yuan-Sheng Yu
Yuan-Sheng Yu is a senior director at Lux Research, based in Switzerland. He leads product strategy and operations for Lux’s Chemicals and Industrials Research and Advisory Services. As a seasoned leader, he sets the strategic vision to deliver technical expertise and insights that help organizations navigate the innovation landscape to capitalize on growth opportunities and achieve industry leadership.
With over a decade of experience as a trusted adviser to multinational corporations, Yuan-Sheng plays a direct role in shaping innovation strategies, crafting technology roadmaps, developing market entry plans, and identifying high-potential partnerships and investment opportunities. His expertise spans a diverse range of sectors at the forefront of innovation, including oil and gas, utilities, industrials, and chemicals. Prior to his current role, Yuan-Sheng led the Energy Lux Expertise team and Asia research team, further enhancing his ability to deliver unique and pragmatic cross-industry and international perspectives that enrich his research and advisory work.
Yuan-Sheng holds an M.Sc. from the University of Georgia and B.Sc. from the University of California–Berkeley.
Ian Rinehart
Ian Rinehart is an associate research director at Lux Research and contributes to the Manufacturing group’s coverage of built-environment materials, the circular economy, and industrial policy. In this role, he guides the research priorities for the Manufacturing Process and Technology team and supports clients putting innovation into practice in their companies.
Sebelum menyertai Lux, Ian bekerja di Palo Alto, California, pejabat Mitsubishi Corporation, di mana beliau menjalankan penyelidikan mengenai pelbagai topik teknologi, seperti kereta pandu sendiri, pertanian selular dan pengalaman runcit dalam kedai. Sebelum ini, beliau bekerja untuk Perkhidmatan Penyelidikan Kongres, sebuah agensi bukan partisan, cawangan perundangan, sebagai pakar dasar luar yang memberi tumpuan kepada Asia Timur.
Ian memiliki MA dalam kajian dasar keselamatan dari George Washington University (Elliott School of International Affairs) dan BA dalam hubungan antarabangsa dari Pomona College.
Cheryl Auger
In her role as senior director of Consumer Insights at Lux Research, Cheryl oversees client engagement, research delivery, and feedback management and collaborates with account management to ensure the provision of top-tier client service and high-quality research. Cheryl is recognized as a thought leader and has showcased her expertise at Lux Forums held in Amsterdam, New York City, and Tokyo. She has also presented at industry conferences like Qual360 and IIEX.
Sebelum berkhidmat di Lux, Cheryl berkhidmat sebagai penyelidik bebas, pembantu pengajar dan pembantu penyelidik di Universiti Toronto dan Queen's University. Memegang MA dalam kajian politik dari Queen's University, dia telah menyumbang kepada penerbitan dengan University of Toronto Press dan Minnesota University Press. Dedikasi Cheryl terhadap penyelidikan yang cemerlang telah diakui dengan penerimaan Biasiswa Siswazah Ontario.
Amy Huras
Amy Huras ialah pengarah penyelidikan di Lux dan mengetuai liputan pasukan Antropologi Prediktif AS tentang cerapan pengguna. Dalam peranan ini, beliau menyelaras dan menyelia projek penyelidikan kualitatif, membangun dan melaksanakan prosedur penyelidikan, dan menyediakan latihan berterusan dalam kaedah penyelidikan etnografi yang didayakan teknologi. Beliau bertanggungjawab ke atas kualiti penyelidikan yang dihasilkan oleh pasukan dan berhubung dengan pasukan Penghantaran dan Penasihat Pelanggan untuk memastikan penghantaran memenuhi jangkaan pelanggan.
Sebelum menyertai Lux, Amy ialah penolong profesor dan felo fakulti di Pusat Pengajian Amerika Latin dan Caribbean Universiti New York. Dia memegang Ph.D. dalam sejarah dari Universiti Toronto.
Alina Strugut
Alina Strugut is a research director of anthropology, global, at Lux Research and contributes to the Lux for Consumer Insights team’s coverage of Global Anthropology. In this role, Alina leads a team of top-tier international Ph.D.s whose technology-enabled research decodes meaning and consumer culture around the world, delivering cutting-edge insights across a variety of industries. Her team’s innovative research empowers Fortune 500 companies to embrace sustainability while also staying ahead of the curve and maintaining success in today’s ever-evolving world.
Prior to joining Lux, Alina worked as a policy analyst at the European Commission in Brussels, where she helped draft EU policies and provide advice to governmental experts on the strategic design and implementation of their national rural development programs. Alina holds a Ph.D. in global studies from Leipzig University in Germany and speaks multiple languages.
Lux untuk Peneraju Inovasi: Kerajaan dan Bukan Untung
Anthony Schiavo
Anthony Schiavo is a senior director and principal analyst at Lux Research based at Lux’s Boston headquarters. He is a thought leader in sustainable innovation and leads foresight efforts for the Lux Research team, combining primary research and AI to identify emerging innovation areas and the future development of industry and society. He serves as a trusted adviser to top executives across the chemicals, oil and gas, and CPG sectors, helping them navigate the rapidly evolving innovation landscape. His insights have been featured by leading outlets including National Public Radio, Bloomberg TV Canada, and The Wall Street Journal, and he co-hosts Lux’s Innovation Matters podcast. He holds a B.Sc. in materials science and engineering from Virginia Tech.
Joshua Haslun, Ph.D.
Joshua Haslun, Ph.D., is senior director of the CPG service at Lux Research, where he guides the research strategy and direction to uncover high-impact innovations and transformative business models across the consumer value chain — from agricultural production to product end of life. His expertise empowers leading global innovators to make confident decisions, forge strategic partnerships, and drive new business development. Joshua evaluates technologies to enhance production and supply chain resilience, assesses the readiness of biotechnology scalability, and addresses paradigm shifts in consumer health and wellness. He also integrates ecosystem-level analyses across adjacent industries to help clients navigate rapidly evolving regulatory landscapes, consumer trends, and techno-economics.
Joshua brings a multidisciplinary scientific background, with extensive experience in quantitative genomics, immunology, geochemistry, and microbial ecology. Prior to joining Lux, he developed innovative methods for assessing immune functions in plants, animals, and humans, and advanced soil microbiome management techniques to improve biofuel feedstock production for the U.S. Department of Energy.
Joshua holds a dual Ph.D. in zoology and ecology, evolutionary biology, and behavior from Michigan State University, an M.Sc. in biology specializing in marine science from Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi, and a B.Sc. in biology from Siena College. He is a respected thought leader, frequently sought after for his cross-cutting insights at industry events.
Harini Venkataraman, Ph.D.
Harini Venkataraman, Ph.D., is an associate research director at Lux Research, based in Amsterdam. In this role, she provides strategic advice to shape the innovation journey of global agrifood and CPG companies. Harini drives research priorities across the CPG value chain, evaluating transformative opportunities in emerging technologies.
As a trusted strategic adviser, Harini brings over a decade of experience working with Fortune 500 companies on their innovation strategies for new business and market expansion. Her previous role as a senior associate scientist at DSM Food Specialties, Netherlands, honed her expertise in R&D, focusing on brewing enzymes, food processing enzymes, and nutraceuticals. Her work has also spanned regulatory affairs and toxicology, adding a critical layer of insight to the commercialization process.
Harini holds a Ph.D. in biotechnology from Vrije University, Amsterdam, where she specialized in engineering bacterial enzymes for food, flavor, and biotech applications. Her research has been widely published in peer-reviewed journals, and she has a proven track record of fostering successful academic and industry collaborations.
In her spare time, she is an avid traveler and history enthusiast, with a deep interest in languages and cultural exploration.
Christopher Robinson
Chris Robinson is a senior director at Lux Research, where he leads the company’s in-house analysis of emerging and disruptive technologies reshaping the energy landscape. Based at Lux’s Boston headquarters, Chris collaborates closely with leaders in the oil and gas and utilities sectors, offering deep insights into how emerging innovations can drive growth or pose disruptive challenges to their businesses. His thought leadership has been recognized in leading publications like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, as well as on influential energy transition podcasts. Additionally, Chris’s bold and distinctive takes on trends and portents in industry and innovation can be found regularly in blog posts on Lux’s website.
Before joining Lux, Chris was a researcher at Purdue University’s Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion Laboratory, where he engineered advanced thermoelectric materials to enhance energy efficiency. He holds both a B.Sc. and MEng in mechanical engineering from Purdue.
When he’s not analyzing the future of energy, Chris enjoys spending quality time with his family, playing music, and exploring the great outdoors.
Chloe Herrera
Chloe Herrera ialah seorang penganalisis di Lux dan mengetuai liputan pasukan Tenaga mengenai teknologi bateri untuk kenderaan elektrik dan storan pegun. Dalam peranan ini, dia menganalisis peluang untuk kimia bateri baru dan mengikuti arah aliran pasaran storan tenaga. Khususnya, Chloe merangkumi inovasi dalam teknologi Li-ion, rantaian bekalan bateri dan storan bateri jangka panjang. Beliau juga telah menyumbang kepada penyelidikan dalam kitar semula bateri dan pengekstrakan bahan mentah.
Sebelum menyertai Lux, Chloe menjalankan penyelidikan mengenai bahan superkonduktor, mengarang empat kertas akademik mengenai subjek itu. Beliau memegang ijazah M.Sc. dalam fizik jirim pekat dari University of Connecticut dan BA dari Smith College.
Kristin Marshall
Kristin Marshall is an associate research director at Lux Research, based in Los Angeles. Kristin leads Lux’s Chemicals Research and Advisory Service, working hand in hand with innovation leaders to align Lux’s cutting-edge research with the sector’s most pressing priorities, including decarbonization, defossilization, and the development of future materials. Kristin is committed to leading research that equips clients with the insights and data they need to make smart, strategic decisions and confidently chart their innovation roadmaps.
In her own research, Kristin specializes in biobased materials and chemicals, writing about and engaging with the leading developers pushing the industry forward. Throughout her tenure at Lux, Kristin has established herself as a thought leader, contributing to industry panels, earning citations in prominent outlets like Chemical & Engineering News, and participating in key industry events like the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership Conference and American Institute of Chemical Engineers Chemical Ventures.
Before joining Lux, Kristin earned her MEng in chemical engineering with a minor in materials science from Oregon State University. There, she honed her research skills, publishing her work on quantifying the extensional rheological properties of weakly viscoelastic fluids in Rheologica Acta. She also holds a B.A. in economics with a minor in environmental studies from New York University as well as advanced certifications in Corporate Sustainability and Advanced Valuation from NYU Stern Executive Education.
Beyond her professional life, Kristin is dedicated to spending quality time with her 4-year-old son, often taking him on bike rides or frequenting local train museums. Having recently relocated to California, she is looking forward to exploring the West Coast’s renowned hiking trails, with Mount Shasta standing out as a personal favorite.
Runeel Daliah
Runeel Daliah is a principal analyst at Lux Research, based in Amsterdam, where he brings deep expertise and insight to the company’s energy transition coverage, focusing on strategic opportunities within the evolving energy landscape. Runeel’s expertise lies in the fields of carbon capture, utilization, and storage, the hydrogen economy, and low-carbon fuels. He is a trusted adviser to major global energy, materials, and chemicals companies, helping them navigate the intersection of traditional energy systems and emerging low-carbon technologies. His insights are grounded in a solid understanding of both the technical challenges and the regulatory drivers that impact the industry today. By leveraging extensive primary research and engaging with industry stakeholders, Runeel provides actionable strategies that enable companies to remain competitive while adapting to new market realities.
Holding an MEng in chemical engineering from the University of Manchester in the U.K., Runeel combines technical expertise with a pragmatic approach to energy transition, ensuring that organizations can capitalize on opportunities while managing the risks associated with a changing energy landscape.
Kenali Lux
Dengar Daripada Pelanggan Kami
Apabila kami menilai pasukan inovasi kami, mereka yang menggunakan pandangan Lux secara tetap menunjukkan prestasi yang lebih tinggi dan hasil yang lebih baik daripada mereka yang tidak.
Akses kepada platform Lux dan penganalisisnya telah menjadikan saya lebih pintar dan telah membantu meningkatkan pengaruh dan nilai saya kepada syarikat.
Topik bergaya; berpandukan data, fokus yang disesuaikan atas permintaan; pakar yang meyakinkan; dan penglibatan pelanggan yang mencukupi - TOP!
Saya membentangkan idea anda tentang kemampanan dan inovasi di Sidang Kemuncak dan semua slaid di dek saya, semua orang melihat slaid yang anda hantar kepada saya. Mereka semua duduk dan mula mengambil gambar.
Ini indah. Sekiranya Lux ingin menjemput saya untuk menyertai Lembaga Pengarah anda, saya akan gembira.
Walaupun ini pertama, panggilan pendek....Saya dapati berharga. Saya teruja ketika pertama kali mendengar tentang perkhidmatan ini. Selepas panggilan pertama ini, saya lebih teruja.