Akan Datang Forum

Forum Lux


Join the conversation as we advise Innovation, R&D, Insights, Technology, and Strategy leaders about human-centric innovation.

Sarapan Rangkaian Eksekutif

Pembentangan Pakar Industri

Perbincangan Panel Pemimpin Pemikiran

The Lux Forums are a premier opportunity for innovation decision-makers to learn more about consumer insights and the commercially viable science and technology needed to enable human-centric innovation. This event series brings together global analysts, executives, and industry thought leaders to learn from each other and tackle the most critical issues facing our industry today.

Kenapa hadir?

Subject matter experts will provide meaningful insights relevant to oil and gas, utilities, industrials, chemicals, and consumer products innovation to leaders. These forums will deliver the thinking you need to accelerate the pace of innovation at your company.

In this exclusive setting, attendees will make connections with executive-level industry counterparts through networking sessions and will take in cutting-edge research from the leading provider of human-centric innovation research and advisory services, Lux Research.

Wawasan, rangka kerja dan cadangan dalam sesi Forum Lux direka untuk membantu anda melihat laluan inovasi syarikat anda ke hadapan dengan lebih jelas dan membuat keputusan dengan yakin.

Siapa yang Perlu Hadir?

Lux Forums are for all C-suite executives, VPs, and industry leaders. Most of our attendees are Chief Executive Officers, Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Strategy Officers, and leaders within Innovation, Insights, R&D, Technology, and Sustainability.

Butiran Forum

Mengenai Lux Research

We bring innovation forward. Lux delivers research insights and advisory to leaders on novel sciences, emerging technology, and consumer trends that inspire, illuminate, and ignite human-centric innovation. Specifically, our clients are facing pressure to innovate faster and differently than ever before. Lux’s insights and advice help clients innovate for today, invent for tomorrow, improve team performance, gain confidence in innovation decisions, and ultimately, accelerate growth.

Penceramah Pakar

Senior Director of Research

Pengarah Kanan

Penganalisis Utama

Pengarah Penyelidikan Bersekutu

Pengarah Urusan, Perundingan



Sila e-mel events@luxresearchinc.com dengan sebarang soalan mengenai Forum Lux.

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