Menginspirasikan Petikan Laporan
Model Peralihan Organisasi Lestari Lux
Senior Vice President of Lux Executive Programs
Approximately 50% of Fortune 500 companies now have a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) championing their corporate sustainability mission and activities. Many of these CSO roles were created within the past 2–3 years. While this momentum speaks to the increased recognition by corporate boards that sustainability is a clear and growing imperative, some questions remain unanswered.
This Inspire Report is an exclusive deliverable of Lux Research and Advisory Services. It addresses several pivotal questions, including:
- What does sustainability mean for each of these companies?
- What are boards expecting corporate sustainability priorities to deliver for stakeholders?
- How should the C-suite begin constructing a growing enterprise that melds sustainability and innovation?

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Model Peralihan Organisasi Lestari Lux
Senior Vice President of Lux Executive Programs