Webinar op aanvraag
De staat van duurzame impact in CPG
Senior Directeur
Geassocieerd onderzoeksdirecteur
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Building businesses around sustainable impact can be difficult, adding costs and requiring new competencies, capabilities, and an improved understanding of consumer and technology uncertainty and risks. Lux’s report, “The Lux Sustainability Impact Model for CPG Innovation,” previously examined connections between emerging policy and progress on corporate promises to identify innovation opportunities across the value chain.
During this webinar, we provide an update on the state of sustainability impact across the value chain as corporates continue to build strategic business segments to frame opportunities and risks. You will leave this webinar understanding where innovation and policy align toward sustainability intensification and where these opportunities align with consumer interests.
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- Een kopie van de presentatieslides en de opname van het webinar worden na het webinar naar alle inschrijvers gestuurd.
- Als je vragen hebt, stuur dan een e-mail naar webinars@luxresearchinc.com.

Webinar op aanvraag
De staat van duurzame impact in CPG
Senior Directeur
Geassocieerd onderzoeksdirecteur
Building businesses around sustainable impact can be difficult, adding costs and requiring new competencies, capabilities, and an improved understanding of consumer and technology uncertainty and risks. Lux’s report, “The Lux Sustainability Impact Model for CPG Innovation,” previously examined connections between emerging policy and progress on corporate promises to identify innovation opportunities across the value chain.
During this webinar, we provide an update on the state of sustainability impact across the value chain as corporates continue to build strategic business segments to frame opportunities and risks. You will leave this webinar understanding where innovation and policy align toward sustainability intensification and where these opportunities align with consumer interests.