
Navigating Culture: Anthropology and its Power Fueled by Post-Structuralism

A cura di:

Senior Director of Research

Vicepresidente, Esperienza del cliente

EVP e Direttore del Gruppo, Antropologia

Anthropology, a field of study dedicated to exploring human societies, cultures, and behaviors, underwent a profound transformation during the late 1960s and early 1970s with the emergence of post-structuralism. This shift marked a significant departure from the previously dominant structuralism, which analyzed human societies by examining their underlying systems and structures. Structuralism aimed to uncover universal rules and patterns that dictated human behavior, asserting that these structures were crucial for understanding human existence.

However, post-structuralism introduced a critical reevaluation of this approach. It encouraged anthropologists to move beyond the fixed frameworks of structuralism to embrace the complexities and subtleties of social systems. The influence of post-structuralism in anthropology has been monumental.

In this e-book, we delve into the significance of anthropology when inspired by the poststructuralism movement and its critical role in studying culture, predicting trends, and performing foresight functions.


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Navigating Culture: Anthropology and its Power Fueled by Post-Structuralism

A cura di:

Senior Director of Research

Vicepresidente, Esperienza del cliente

EVP e Direttore del Gruppo, Antropologia

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