
Global Hydrogen Outlook

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Associato senior, Ricerca

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), there are over 1,200 projects for hydrogen generation as of 2022. Currently, 300 of those projects are operational, marking a significant step forward in the global push towards a sustainable energy future.

This e-book dives deep into the IEA’s hydrogen projects database to provide a comprehensive overview of the sector. It includes:

  • A detailed look into the variety of hydrogen generation methods, with a special focus on electrolysis as the leading technology.
  • Analysis of the preferred electrolysis technologies among project developers and their respective capacities.
  • Examination of the hydrogen production goals, ranging from pure hydrogen for direct use to derivatives like ammonia and synthetic fuels.
  • Insights into why electrolysis projects make up the majority of hydrogen generation efforts and the strategic reasons behind this choice.
  • Discussion of the criteria influencing project developers’ selection of specific electrolyzer types.
  • Overview of the intended markets and applications for hydrogen and its derivatives, highlighting the industry’s strategic direction.


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Global Hydrogen Outlook

A cura di:

Associato senior, Ricerca

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