毎週金曜日は、その週のトップニュースをLux Takeで取り上げています。先週の最新テクノロジーとイノベーション・ニュースに関する私たちの考えをご覧ください。
“The U.S. FDA issued a denial in response to Bonumose’s petition to exclude tagatose from “added sugars” on the U.S. Nutrition Facts panel. FDA issued an approval to exclude the rare sugar, allulose, in 2019. The agency’s response letter indicated that the reason for denial was tagatose’s higher caloric content compared with allulose. Bonumose issued a press release slamming the ruling as unfair and illogical as well as citing evidence of “FDA bias against health-focused innovation.” This is certainly a blow to Bonumose and the likelihood that tagatose will become a widespread sugar reduction solution. It may boost demand for allulose and dash the hopes of producers of other sugar replacers, such as isomaltulose, which were hoping for exemptions.”
“Two years after deciding to convert the Rodeo Refinery into the world’s largest renewable diesel facility, Phillips 66 is doubling down to build another 800-million gallon/year facility by 2024: Instead of processing crude oil, the converted facility will use waste oils, fats, greases, and vegetable oils to produce renewable diesel, gasoline, and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), reducing lifecycle carbon emissions by 65%. The USD 850 million investment will support the construction of pretreatment units and the retrofit of hydrocracking units. Driven by growing demand for renewable fuels, especially SAF with offtakers like Southwest Airlines and United Airlines, repurposing existing refineries will be an increasingly attractive option.”
EU、「再生可能水素」を定義する議論の余地のある規則案を発表 普及を遅らせる可能性も
“The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is soliciting information to fund the Long Duration Energy Storage for Everyone program. The program is in the early funding stage, and its goal is to request information from interested stakeholders, explaining the little amount of funding provided. It will be divided into three categories: demo projects, pilot grants, and demo initiatives. This is the first federal initiative to provide funding for long-duration energy storage (LDES) technologies since the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy DAYS program launched in 2018, which focused on early technology development. In contrast, this program focuses on storage implementation, creating market opportunities for LDES. Clients interested in energy storage deployment should monitor this funding program for potential technology partners and track the types of energy storage technologies the federal government will prioritize.”
“The distributed energy resources management system (DERMS) platform Greensync was acquired by Intellihub, a utility service provider in Australia and New Zealand. With the acquisition, Greensyc’s deX platform will be deployed further in the Australian Market; currently, Intellihub manages over 1.2 million smart meters, increasing the total aggregated capacity of Greensync from approximately 400 MW to 1.4 GW. In addition, the deX platform will also be deployed in the U.S. throughout CrescoNet, a spun-out company from Intellihub. Clients should note the attention from utilities and large energy companies in the acquisition of DERMS developers; most recently, in 2022, Schneider Electric acquired Autrogrid while in 2020, Shell acquired Next Kraftwerke, and Generac acquired Enbala Power Networks.”
「フライス盤と同じように、3Dプリンターの不要な振動は、品質低下を避けるためにプリント速度を下げる必要があります。より高価なプリンターを購入したり、造形時間の遅さに甘んじたりする代わりに、Ulendoの新しいFiltered B Splinesソフトウェアは、印刷速度を2倍にするために既存のプリンターを再プログラムする安価な方法を顧客に提供します。このソフトウェアは、不要な振動を検出し、プリントヘッドをその振動と反対方向に移動させ、直線的な経路を実現する。クライアントは、この新進企業と3Dプリンティングを取り巻くソフトウェア分野を注意深く見守る必要がある。"