Industrial firms are being approached by dozens of analytics providers on how their novel AI algorithms can enable new applications and save clients millions of dollars. This report looks at which suppliers offer the most complete and innovative products when compared to buyer selection criteria.
Specifically, we look at both large companies and startups that provide horizontal solutions over vertical or use case specificity. We introduce a framework for evaluating which products and which companies are the leaders in terms of addressing industrial analytics requirements to provide the most complete solutions.

Industrial firms are being approached by dozens of analytics providers on how their novel AI algorithms can enable new applications and save clients millions of dollars. This report looks at which suppliers offer the most complete and innovative products when compared to buyer selection criteria.
Specifically, we look at both large companies and startups that provide horizontal solutions over vertical or use case specificity. We introduce a framework for evaluating which products and which companies are the leaders in terms of addressing industrial analytics requirements to provide the most complete solutions.