Webinar Atas Permintaan
Pertaruhan untuk Pemimpin Inovasi dalam Pilihan Raya AS
Pengarah Penyelidikan
Pengarah Penyelidikan
Pengarah Kanan dan Penganalisis Utama
Tonton webinar ini sekarang atau kemudian dengan mendaftar di atas!
The 2024 U.S. presidential election is rapidly approaching — and with it worries about what it means for business and innovation leaders. Elections are always fraught affairs, bringing uncertainty and tension — and 2024’s contest between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is certainly no exception. What’s more, landmark industrial policy like the Inflation Reduction Act, which has had huge impacts on many companies, has symbolized outgoing President Biden’s term — making the question of whether this policy trajectory will continue a major one for innovation planning and strategy.
This presentation from Lux Research draws on diverse analyses to paint a picture of the stakes and likely outcomes and impacts:
The major issues consumers are discussing around the U.S., drawing on Lux’s unique predictive anthropology methodologies
Discussions consumers and citizens are having around the election related to key themes like AI, domestic manufacturing, and climate change
Policy stakes of the election for the energy, consumer products, and manufacturing sectors — what changes may happen in a Trump vs. Harris presidency
Sila Ambil Perhatian:
- Salinan slaid pembentangan dan rakaman webinar akan dihantar kepada semua pendaftar selepas webinar.
- Jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan, sila e-mel webinars@luxresearchinc.com.

Terima kasih!
Webinar Atas Permintaan
Pertaruhan untuk Pemimpin Inovasi dalam Pilihan Raya AS
Pengarah Penyelidikan
Pengarah Penyelidikan
Pengarah Kanan dan Penganalisis Utama
The 2024 U.S. presidential election is rapidly approaching — and with it worries about what it means for business and innovation leaders. Elections are always fraught affairs, bringing uncertainty and tension — and 2024’s contest between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is certainly no exception. What’s more, landmark industrial policy like the Inflation Reduction Act, which has had huge impacts on many companies, has symbolized outgoing President Biden’s term — making the question of whether this policy trajectory will continue a major one for innovation planning and strategy.
This presentation from Lux Research draws on diverse analyses to paint a picture of the stakes and likely outcomes and impacts:
The major issues consumers are discussing around the U.S., drawing on Lux’s unique predictive anthropology methodologies
Discussions consumers and citizens are having around the election related to key themes like AI, domestic manufacturing, and climate change
Policy stakes of the election for the energy, consumer products, and manufacturing sectors — what changes may happen in a Trump vs. Harris presidency