Hillary Bryan

Hillary Bryan is an analyst at Lux Research and leads inquiry for the Predictive Anthropology team. In this role, she assists clients with urgent research and advisory needs, develops custom workflows to address client questions, and trains clients on research methodology and self-serve tools. She is responsible for answering inquiries and assists clients with the strategic leveraging of research to support their overall goals.

Prior to joining Lux, Hillary was a museum assistant at the Museum of Ontario Archaeology, where she maintained one of the largest collections of artifacts recovered from commercial archaeology in Canada. Her academic research has focused on 3D imaging and reconstruction of fragmentary Anishinaabe ceramics throughout the Great Lakes region as well as repatriation. Her work has been used by Indigenous communities on Manitoulin Island to inform their revival of traditional pottery-making practices by artists. Hillary holds an M.A. from the University of Western Ontario in archaeological anthropology with a cross-collaborative distinction in environment and sustainability studies.

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