Thomas Briggs

Thomas Briggs

Thomas Briggs is a senior research associate at Lux Research, based in Boston, specializing in the critical field of decarbonization with a sharp focus on point-source carbon capture, direct air capture, and metal-organic frameworks. Thomas helps advance Lux’s thought leadership in these areas through his investigation into innovation activity, trends, and the competitive landscape. Through his insights, he helps clients in the chemicals and oil and gas industries develop their innovation strategies as they navigate the complex journey toward a more sustainable future.

Before joining Lux, Thomas honed his analytical skills at Technomics, where he contributed to cost-validation efforts for the U.S. Department of Defense. This experience, combined with his academic background — holding a B.Sc. in materials science and engineering with a minor in environmental engineering from Virginia Tech — equips him with the tools necessary to understand new technologies and assist clients in business growth.

Outside of work, Thomas is an avid outdoorsman who finds inspiration in hiking, camping, and kayaking, channeling the same passion and curiosity that drive his professional endeavors.

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