Tiffany Hua

Tiffany Hua is an Analyst at Lux Research. She leads the Materials and Manufacturing team’s coverage of alternative materials, advanced textile recycling, and value recovery within the apparel, chemicals, and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries. Tiffany emphasizes the need for systems thinking and design approaches to address the transition to net zero and the circular economy in these sectors. Currently, she is focused on emerging policies and regulations that impact material sourcing, advanced recycling, and value recovery in the broader chemicals and CPG industries.

Prior to joining Lux, Tiffany was an associate at the Langer Lab at MIT, where she researched and designed retentive drug delivery systems for chronic diseases. She has authored and co-authored 10+ academic publications on topics including drug delivery systems and implantable robotics. Tiffany holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of Massachusetts–Amherst, where she conducted research on mechanobiology, medical device design, and nanostructured surfaces.

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