Innovating for EU Resilience: Navigating the Twin Transitions in a Changing World

LocationCologne Marriott Hotel, Johannisstraße 76-80, 50668 Köln, Germany

Date: Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Time: 12:00 – 16:00 CET

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Innovating for EU Resilience: Navigating the Twin Transitions in a Changing World

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Über die Veranstaltung

In 2020, the EU launched its inaugural Strategic Foresight Report during a period of global uncertainty. The report introduced resilience as a guiding principle for EU policymaking, emphasizing four interconnected dimensions — social and economic, geopolitical, green, and digital — with the latter two framing the EU’s twin transitions. Five years later, many of the vulnerabilities identified persist, while evolving geopolitical tensions and leadership shifts worldwide have ushered in a new phase of global uncertainty. As the EU strives to adapt, policy and regulatory frameworks will lay the foundation for future resilience, while technological innovations will be an essential catalyst to accelerate the region’s transformation and secure its strategic autonomy.  

Join us at the Lux Forum Cologne to explore pathways for shaping a resilient and self-reliant EU. Through engaging presentations, attendees will: 

  • Gain practical tools for innovation roadmapping and decision-making to support the EU’s resilience goals. 
  • Learn strategic approaches to navigate risks and seize opportunities in an unpredictable global landscape. 
  • Network with innovation leaders to foster collaboration in advancing the EU’s twin transitions. 

Details zur Veranstaltung

  • LocationCologne Marriott Hotel, Johannisstraße 76-80, 50668 Köln, Germany
  • Date: Tuesday, 11 March 2025
  • Time: 12:00 – 16:00 CET

Für das Mittagessen wird gesorgt.


For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Cologne Marriott Hotel. To make your reservation and receive a discounted rate, please use this booking link. The booking link and discounted rate will expire on Friday, 14 February.

Days until the Lux Forum Cologne!
Uhrzeit (MEZ) Beschreibung Vortragende(r)
12:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 13:10

Opening Remarks: Necessity Is the Mother of Innovation 

The EU’s Reference Foresight Scenarios paint four vividly different versions of Europe in 2040. This session will set the tone by highlighting the uncertainties of the future and emphasizing the technological innovations necessary to achieve strategic autonomy and the twin transition.

Yuan-Sheng Yu
Senior Director at Lux Research

13:10 – 13:40

The Future of Carbon: Building Resilience in a Defossilized World

The EU’s dependence on imported fossil fuels will lessen in a shift toward self-reliance, leading the supply of fossil-based raw materials to dwindle. But the region will still need carbon to make chemicals, plastics, and other physical goods. This defossilization is driving strategies in renewable raw material inputs like recycled plastics, biomass, and captured CO2 to transform industry inputs. Companies will need to develop supply chains and determine where to place their bets on the future state of carbon.

This presentation introduces Lux’s Future of Carbon Framework for evaluating defossilization opportunities and providing guideposts for making decisions about a defossilized future.

Matilde della Fontana
Analyst at Lux Research

13:40 – 14:10

Risk and Criticality: Innovating for Raw Materials Security

Critical minerals and raw materials supply shortages threaten the EU’s progress toward achieving its twin transition. Access and supply will become limited as countries tighten their positions in the global supply chain, requiring the EU to rethink its raw materials security strategy through technological advances and innovations. Companies will need to determine not only the quantity of raw materials required for their operations but also how they can obtain it.

This presentation will draw on Lux’s Raw Materials Criticality Framework, outlining four strategies to mitigate raw materials supply risk and build a robust resource security strategy.

Ian Rinehart
Außerordentlicher Forschungsdirektor bei Lux Research

14:10 – 14:40
14:40 – 15:20

Maximizing Human-Centric Innovation: From Insights to Action

Human-centric innovation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s an approach that deeply understands and prioritizes human needs, behaviors, and aspirations and a powerful strategy for achieving market dominance, driving exponential growth, and skyrocketing profitability.

This strategy acknowledges that, while technology and data are vital, the essence of successful innovation lies in human creativity, decision-making, and ethical considerations. By focusing on the human element, organizations can develop solutions that resonate with their audiences, ensuring long-term success and relevance in an AI-driven world.

This session will outline and demonstrate practical steps and the tools our clients are leveraging to execute core Lux Innovation Model stages to take a truly human-centric approach to innovation.

Amelia Shee
Customer Experience Manager at Lux Research

Anna McCarthy
Account Executive at Lux Research

15:20 – 15:50

Powering the AI Revolution: Playing by the EU’s Rules 

Europe is home to the second-most data centers in the world and is poised for an AI revolution, bolstered by its robust connectivity infrastructure and regulatory leadership. As AI companies scramble to establish footing in the region to compliantly tap into the market, powering the future of AI in the EU is a pressing challenge.

This presentation will debate the various options available and uncover opportunities for industrial integration to create a self-sustained twin transition ecosystem.

Anirudh Bhoopalam, Ph.D.
Analyst at Lux Research

Karthik Subramanian
Analyst at Lux Research

15:50 – 16:00

Closing Remarks: Innovation Is the Key to Future Resilience

In this session, Lux will distill the key takeaways from the event for attendees and affirm Europe’s position as a global innovation hub capable of driving resilience in the future.

Yuan-Sheng Yu
Senior Director at Lux Research


Customer Experience Manager

Leitender Direktor

Assoziierter Forschungsdirektor

Über die Lux-Foren

Die Lux-Foren sind eine erstklassige Gelegenheit für Entscheidungsträger im Bereich Innovation, mehr über die Erkenntnisse der Verbraucher und die kommerziell umsetzbare Wissenschaft und Technologie zu erfahren, die für eine menschenzentrierte Innovation erforderlich sind. Diese Veranstaltungsreihe bringt globale Analysten, Führungskräfte und Vordenker der Branche zusammen, um voneinander zu lernen und die kritischsten Themen anzugehen, mit denen unsere Branche heute konfrontiert ist.

Auf dem Lux Forum werden Fachexperten aussagekräftige Einblicke geben, die für Innovationsführer in den Bereichen Öl und Gas, Versorgungsunternehmen, Industrie, Chemie und Konsumgüter relevant sind. In diesem exklusiven Rahmen können die Teilnehmer bei Networking-Sitzungen Kontakte zu Branchenkollegen auf Führungsebene knüpfen und sich mit den neuesten Forschungsergebnissen des führenden Anbieters von Forschungs- und Beratungsdienstleistungen für nachhaltige Innovation, Lux Research, vertraut machen. Diese Foren liefern die Denkanstöße, die Sie brauchen, um das Innovationstempo in Ihrem Unternehmen zu beschleunigen.

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Die Lux-Foren sind eine erstklassige Gelegenheit für Innovationsentscheider, mehr über die Erkenntnisse der Verbraucher, die Wissenschaft und die Technologie zu erfahren, die für eine menschenzentrierte Innovation erforderlich sind.

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