
Perilous Policy: Predicting the Future Global Regulatory Landscape for Plastic Pyrolysis


Leitender Direktor und Hauptanalyst

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Chemicals companies have bet much of their recycling hopes on plastic pyrolysis, but crucial regulatory acceptance of this technique is still missing in most major economies. 2024 looks to be a major year for plastic waste policy, as the UN, the EU, India, and many U.S. states are planning to enact major circular economy rules and regulations. Will these start a pyrolysis renaissance or doom it to the dustbin of chemicals industry history?  

This webinar explores the current state of pyrolysis regulation, make predictions about the future development of policy, and unpack the impact on polyolefin pyrolysis.

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Perilous Policy: Predicting the Future Global Regulatory Landscape for Plastic Pyrolysis


Leitender Direktor und Hauptanalyst

Sehen Sie sich das On-Demand-Webinar an

Chemicals companies have bet much of their recycling hopes on plastic pyrolysis, but crucial regulatory acceptance of this technique is still missing in most major economies. 2024 looks to be a major year for plastic waste policy, as the UN, the EU, India, and many U.S. states are planning to enact major circular economy rules and regulations. Will these start a pyrolysis renaissance or doom it to the dustbin of chemicals industry history?  

This webinar will explore the current state of pyrolysis regulation, make predictions about the future development of policy, and unpack the impact on polyolefin pyrolysis.

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