
Balancing Consumer Perspectives and Environmental Responsibility in the Adoption of Sustainable Products


Senior Director of Research

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As we strive to establish a sustainable future, CO2-based plastics present a fascinating intersection of innovation and environmental responsibility. However, beyond their environmental implications, these innovative materials must also align with consumer expectations to truly thrive in the market. This talk explores the various consumer considerations influencing the acceptance of CO2-based plastics.   

Join us as we delve into consumer expectations for these plastics to be applied in creating functional and more durable products, reflecting a preference for plastics with extended lifespans. We further explore concerns around potential worsening of pollution, emphasizing the need for comprehensive life cycle management, which includes recycling, disposal, and breakdown processes.    

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Balancing Consumer Perspectives and Environmental Responsibility in the Adoption of Sustainable Products


Senior Director of Research

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As we strive to establish a sustainable future, CO2-based plastics present a fascinating intersection of innovation and environmental responsibility. However, beyond their environmental implications, these innovative materials must also align with consumer expectations to truly thrive in the market. This talk explores the various consumer considerations influencing the acceptance of CO2-based plastics.   

Join us as we delve into consumer expectations for these plastics to be applied in creating functional and more durable products, reflecting a preference for plastics with extended lifespans. We further explore concerns around potential worsening of pollution, emphasizing the need for comprehensive life cycle management, which includes recycling, disposal, and breakdown processes.    

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