
Entflechtung des Managements verteilter Energieressourcen: Eine Taxonomie der DERMSs


Senior Research Associate

The fast deployment of distributed energy resources (DERs) in front of the meter (FTM) and behind the meter (BTM) and penetration of renewables will require the implementation of DER management systems (DERMSs). These platforms increase the visibility and control of DERs, and using an optimization layer, DERMSs leverage the capabilities of the connected DERs based on stakeholder objectives, such as maximizing revenues or preventing grid constraints managing voltage, frequency, and power flows.

In this e-book, we share our taxonomy for DERMS solutions and approaches differentiated by where the managed assets are located, what applications the DERMS targets, and how it specifically achieves those applications. Despite the numerous players in the DERMS space, no single platform currently meets all the priorities of key stakeholders. Our e-book examines the competitive landscape, exploring how emerging developers are distinguishing themselves by acquiring diverse DERMS capabilities.


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Entflechtung des Managements verteilter Energieressourcen: Eine Taxonomie der DERMSs


Senior Research Associate

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