Baylie Schott

Baylie Schott is a research associate at Lux Research, based in North Carolina. She leads Lux’s coverage of synthetic biology, specializing in uncovering novel biological systems advancing chemicals and materials innovation in this dynamic space. Her work is fueled by a passion to unlock the complexities of microbial behavior, and she is at the forefront of investigating breakthroughs in this field.

Baylie’s academic background is rooted in genetic manipulations across microbial protease families, with a particular emphasis on Staphylococcus aureus. Before joining Lux, she built her expertise at the University of South Florida, where she earned an M.Sc. in microbiology. Her graduate studies allow Baylie to bring a unique quality to her interactions with innovators, as she understands both the vast potential and limitations of this space from the ground up. Her goal is to translate complex scientific discoveries into tangible solutions for clients looking to make a real-world impact.

When she’s not dreaming about microbes, Baylie enjoys attending local soccer games and exploring the trails and vineyards of North Carolina with her dog, Toby.

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