Thomas Katucki

Tommy Katucki is a senior research associate at Lux Research, based out of the company’s Boston headquarters. He leads Lux’s coverage of industrial robotics, quantum technologies, and advanced sensors, where he focuses on cutting-edge innovations and breakthrough technologies impacting the industrial sector. In addition, Tommy’s expertise spans emerging space technologies and the emerging market dynamics of environmental credits. Tommy pairs his understanding of technological advances shaping the future with strategic and market insights that help clients navigate these complex landscapes.

Before joining Lux, Tommy worked at Boston College’s Office of Technology Transfer and Licensing, where he evaluated the commercial viability of next-generation inventions. He holds an MBA and M.Sc. in finance from Boston College and a B.A. in political science from Grinnell College.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Tommy enjoys reading about innovative technologies, global affairs, and space science. He’s also dedicated to improving his German and Turkish language skills.

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