Can data centers really go green with natural gas?

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Direktor Forschung

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Amy, Karthik, Mike, and Anthony discuss the recent resurgence of natural gas power demand for data centers, and get to asking the big questions, like: are we in an AI boom, can carbon capture really work, and what’s AI even good for anyway?

The world needs more and better innovation to solve climate, waste, and health problems in an increasingly tumultuous and uncertain world – not just the latest app, gadget, or software, but real deeptech innovation in energy, manufacturing, agrifood, resources, and more. In this podcast sustainable innovation experts Anthony Schiavo, Mike Holman, Karthik Subramanian, Amy Huras, and Alina Strugut from Lux Research analyze the latest news and interview world leading experts to navigate the technological, economic, political, and social trends that will determine what innovations succeed or fail.

Die geäußerten Meinungen sind die der Gastgeber und Gäste und spiegeln nicht die Ansichten von Lux Research wider.

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