Lux for Insights Leaders

Lux combines the century old science of anthropology with advanced technology to deliver rich insights and foresight quickly and accurately.

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Modern Insights professionals use Lux to get results


Lux helped a major consumer food brand launch one of the biggest new yogurt products in year, resulting in over $100M in sales. ​


 Lux helped revitalize a struggling clothing line at a major retailer, reversing slowing sales and boosting sales by $11M by targeting minimalist consumers.


Lux guided a B2B business to realign their sustainability messaging to meet their customer’s values, increasing customer satisfaction by 32%.​

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Anthropology Insights Modernized

Anthropology brings depth and cultural accuracy. Technology brings speed and scale.

Anthropology Is All About Context. Context Enables Human-Centricity. 

Traditional research methods like consumer surveys, social listening, and field ethnographies can be expensive, slow, and shallow.

Among other challenges, these methods lack contextual meaning. Without contextual meaning, we’re seeing only a small and inaccurate part of the narrative. People articulate 30% of their understanding of a topic—the tip of the iceberg. Our job is to decode the remaining 70%: the core beliefs that shape understanding and the behaviors and opinions that stem from those beliefs.

By grounding strategy in core beliefs, we align with consumers’ deeper needs and worldview. Instead of following behavior, we predict its future.

Rather than chase hype, we can help shape the future of culture. 

Speed of Insights

Accelerate insights with AI-enabled but Ph.D. anthropologist-powered cultural analysis in as little as 5 days. Deliver faster results at 1/3 the cost without compromising depth.

Cultural Meaning

Analyze over 270M anonymous conversations at once. Focus on cultural meaning over fleeting trends for precise, actionable insights.

Maturity and Future Predictions

Identify future trends by time-sequenced analysis of millions of conversations. Build human-centric strategies rooted in long-term cultural shifts.

Durchschnittliche Bewertung der Analystenanfrage durch Lux-Kunden: 4,7 von 5

Zugang zu Lux Anthropologen

Unbegrenzte 50-minütige Analystengespräche

Die Analystenbefragung ist ein 50-minütiges virtuelles Gespräch auf Abruf zwischen einem Lux-Kundenmitglied und unseren promovierten Anthropologen. Diese Sitzungen sollen Ihnen helfen, die Implikationen unserer Erkenntnisse vollständig zu erfassen und sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Strategien kulturell und kontextuell fundiert sind.

Schließen Sie sich uns an!

Die Lux-Foren sind eine erstklassige Gelegenheit für Innovationsentscheider, mehr über die Erkenntnisse der Verbraucher, die Wissenschaft und die Technologie zu erfahren, die für eine menschenzentrierte Innovation erforderlich sind.

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