Lux for Innovation Leaders:
Government and Nonprofit

Government and non-profit organizations need a strong understanding of the sustainable innovation landscape and key players to pursue their objectives from economic development to resiliency to meeting climate goals. Lux Research’s coverage across industries provides policymakers and other public-sector leaders the insights they need in order foster innovation in their country or region, access technologies that can support their goals, and design prudent policies to advance the right industry outcomes.





Lux is uniquely positioned to provide innovation leaders in governmental and nonprofit organizations with answers to their questions about innovation strategies: What emerging technologies we need to support to help reach our region’s sustainability goals? How can we attract new talent and investors to our region? How can we guide innovation strategies and help design policy responses that will drive the most positive change?


We help leaders make the right innovation strategy decisions providing high-quality insights and primary research.
We introduce the most impactful emerging technology landscapes for governments to design and cultivate technology ecosystems.
We guide clients to envision industries, applications, and technologies that will present opportunities for their region, and launch initiatives to drive change to support their organization’s objectives.
We help organizations meet their country or region’s sustainability goals by understanding which technologies will deliver the desired impacts and what investments or other support they need.

Access to the Lux Insights Platform


  • AIを活用して専門家が生成した洞察
  • スコアカードによるイノベーター評価
  • 企業指標
  • 業界動向分析
Government and Nonprofit
Government and Nonprofit | Small Modular Reactors


  • 市場機会
  • 消費者インサイト
  • 政策と枠組み
  • テクノロジー・ディープ・ダイブ

"ラックス・テイク "を通じて、信頼できる実用的な洞察でビジネスへの影響を解釈する。

  • イノベーション戦略
  • 市場参入戦略
  • パートナーシップと買収ターゲットの特定
  • 意思決定の枠組み



材料インフォマティクスの機会評価と 技術ロードマップ


The client had a large surplus of a biobased intermediate chemical to sell on the market or take a loss
on inventory and needed to find immediate offtakers as well as identify more stable markets to sell
into. The client asked Lux to think through all the potential new uses of the biobased intermediate
within a 1–2-step chemical synthetic pathway.





Lux experts are having such conversations with clients every day to help them understand various aspects of technology innovation. Key questions innovation leaders in government and nonprofit organizations are asking about include:

How can governments balance improvements in emissions, water, land use, and waste generation against other issues, like working conditions and pay?

Do we need to fund sustainable outcomes directly, ie, with a carbon tax?

Of today’s hot technologies, which will make a real impact in five years?

How can we evaluate the level of technology and business risk carried by a start-up?




本レポート「ラックス・サステイナブル・マニュファクチャリング・レーダー(Lux Sustainable Manufacturing Radar)」では、イノベーション・リーダーが自社のビジネスに影響を与える可能性のあるイノベーションの全容にアクセスし、実行可能なサステイナブル・マニュファクチャリング・ロードマップを構築するために適切なイノベーションに優先順位をつけるのに役立つ、当社の主要モデルを紹介している。

Sustainable Manufacturing Radar | Report Snapshot Image


