Ujwal Arkalgud on This Anthro Life Podcast: The study of meaning with AI.

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EVP & Group Director, Anthropology

I had the pleasure of chatting with Adam Gamwell, the host of This Anthro Life – an incredible podcast that delivers a unique look at our culture and humanity through an anthropological lens to tens of thousands of listeners across business and academia.

We spoke about the study of meaning and why it’s so important in the modern world. How big data and AI tools allow us to do things we couldn’t even imagine doing a mere ten years ago. And how this is shaping a better understanding of humanity and culture.

You can listen to the episode here.

PS: I don’t usually get a chance to talk about how I got into this field or reflect on why we feel so passionately about our work. So I’m really grateful to Adam for drawing some of those answers out of me during the conversation.

I hope you enjoy the episode and of course, don’t forget to subscribe to This Anthro Life.

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