
Microbiome-based Business Opportunities for Consumer Products


Associate Research Director

Senior Director

Innovation momentum is growing for the gut microbiome and skin microbiome. Despite the innovation and commercialization momentum, there is a need to understand how microbiome modulation products stack up to address consumersā€™ unmet needs and identify the right opportunities in the technology value chain.

Over the past decade, microbiome research has accelerated, and this space has emerged as a hotspot for innovation, given its potential to impact a number of industries in the agrifood and health value chain. Despite staggering startup activity, developers have barely scratched the surface when it comes to aligning science and product development in the microbiome space. Our white paper, ā€œMicrobiome-based Business Opportunities for Consumer Productsā€ will focus on the winning aspects of successful microbiome-related innovations and will lay out opportunities to address the unmet needs for industry players across agrifood and personal care sectors to engage.

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Microbiome-based Business Opportunities for Consumer Products


Senior Director

Associate Research Director

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