Over the past few years, sustainability has become the priority for innovation teams in the materials and chemicals industry as well as consumer-facing industries like apparel, food, and beauty. Regulations hold a unique place as a driver of corporate sustainability practices, which creates a clear need for corporations to understand and predict future regulatory states – both to prepare existing businesses and to explore the potential for new business opportunities under these regulatory schemes.
In this report, we discuss a qualitative framework to assess policies, based on impact and probability of adoption. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes and taxes on unrecyclable plastic stand out in terms of total impact, while single-use plastic bans are most likely to proliferate.
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Informazioni su Lux Research
Lux Research è un fornitore leader di soluzioni di ricerca e consulenza basate sulla tecnologia, che aiuta i clienti a crescere attraverso l'innovazione tecnologica. Pioniere nel settore della ricerca, Lux combina in modo unico competenze tecniche e intuizioni aziendali con una piattaforma di intelligence proprietaria, che utilizza analisi avanzate e scienza dei dati per far emergere veri e propri indicatori guida. Grazie a dati di qualità derivati da ricerche primarie, analisi basate sui fatti e opinioni che sfidano il pensiero tradizionale, i clienti di Lux sono in grado di prendere decisioni più informate oggi per garantire il successo futuro.
Prevedere le politiche per i materiali sostenibili Sintesi
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Direttore senior e analista principale
Over the past few years, sustainability has become the priority for innovation teams in the materials and chemicals industry as well as consumer-facing industries like apparel, food, and beauty. Regulations hold a unique place as a driver of corporate sustainability practices, which creates a clear need for corporations to understand and predict future regulatory states – both to prepare existing businesses and to explore the potential for new business opportunities under these regulatory schemes.
In this report, we discuss a qualitative framework to assess policies, based on impact and probability of adoption. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes and taxes on unrecyclable plastic stand out in terms of total impact, while single-use plastic bans are most likely to proliferate.
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Prevedere le politiche per i materiali sostenibili Sintesi
A cura di:
Direttore senior e analista principale