Participant: Chris Robinson, Senior Director at Lux Research
Date: Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 — Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
Time: 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM CT
Houston, TX, USA

The Inflation Reduction Act has adrenalized domestic power production and billions of dollars are ready to be seized by fast-moving energy stakeholders. Millions of jobs, self-sustaining energy economies, and the next generation of net zero wealth are within reach. Your business must harness this moment effectively – or you will be left behind.

Reuters Events: Energy Transition North America (7 – 8 November, Houston) is where 1000+ of the continents’ biggest transition players unite to tender contracts, network, and build partnerships. Energy producers and utilities will unlock new forms of revenue and sustainable generation as investors drive low-cost green capital. Policymakers will accelerate cross-border collaboration, and manufacturers will deploy the ground-breaking technologies needed to support these efforts.

Seize this opportunity to reinvigorate your long-term energy transition strategy, secure exponential market share, and craft meaningful partnerships with CXO stakeholders at Energy Transition North America – where the full energy transition value chain come to do business.

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