
Het volgende tijdperk van industriële innovatie

Thursday, October 17, 2024

11 AM SGT | 11 AM CET | 11 AM EST | 11 AM PST


Senior Directeur

In recent years, “sustainability” emerged as the driving force behind corporate innovation initiatives in response to a surge of public interest and shareholder pressure. Compared to the fever pitch, enthusiasm for sustainability is waning, and innovation initiatives are returning to their roots — driving business growth and market expansion. The industrial industry is the backbone of the global economy, supplying the raw materials and equipment essential for infrastructure and supply chains. As industries evolve with rapid technological changes, the sector must adapt its innovation initiatives accordingly. 

In this webinar, Lux will unveil the new client priorities for our Industrials service, reflecting our commitment to evolving our research to help you spark the right ideas (Inspire), enlighten your strategy (Illuminate), and activate your vision (Ignite) along the human-centric innovation journey. This webinar will: 

  • Highlight comprehensive analysis. Explore innovation initiatives across the industrial sector from Lux’s proprietary data and the latest annual reports, covering nearly 100 industrial companies globally 
  • Outline new priorities. Discover the new client priorities for our Industrials service and the key innovation focuses driving the industry’s journey 
  • Showcase practical examples. See how Lux’s process and decision frameworks build and strengthen the narrative of innovation within the industry 

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Het volgende tijdperk van industriële innovatie


Senior Directeur

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