Few mobility technologies hold as much disruptive potential as autonomous vehicles (AVs). Despite having applications in logistics, robotaxis, and personally owned vehicles, AVs have remained on the cusp of transforming the automotive space. The commercialization of self-driving cars would be the biggest technological advancement of the auto industry.

Lux Researchā€™s new report, ā€œAutonomous Vehicle Market Forecast: Demystifying the $50 Billion Opportunity,ā€ captures the full picture of autonomous vehicle development and what that means for future AV sales and adoption.

Download the executive summary to learn more.


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About Lux Research

Lux Research is a leading provider of tech-enabled research and advisory solutions, helping clients drive growth through technology innovation. A pioneer in the research industry, Lux uniquely combines technical expertise and business insights with a proprietary intelligence platform, using advanced analytics and data science to surface true leading indicators. With quality data derived from primary research, fact-based analysis, and opinions that challenge traditional thinking, Lux clients are empowered to make more informed decisions today to ensure future success.


Autonomous Vehicle Market Forecast: Demystifying the $50 Billion Opportunity


Senior Director

Few mobility technologies hold as much disruptive potential as autonomous vehicles (AVs). Despite having applications in logistics, robotaxis, and personally owned vehicles, AVs have remained on the cusp of transforming the automotive space. The commercialization of self-driving cars would be the biggest technological advancement of the auto industry.

Lux Researchā€™s new report, ā€œAutonomous Vehicle Market Forecast: Demystifying the $50 Billion Opportunity,ā€ captures the full picture of autonomous vehicle development and what that means for future AV sales and adoption.

Download the executive summary to learn more.

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Autonomous Vehicle Market Forecast: Demystifying the $50 Billion Opportunity


Senior Director

About Lux Research

Lux Research is a leading provider of tech-enabled research and advisory solutions, helping clients drive growth through technology innovation. A pioneer in the research industry, Lux uniquely combines technical expertise and business insights with a proprietary intelligence platform, using advanced analytics and data science to surface true leading indicators. With quality data derived from primary research, fact-based analysis, and opinions that challenge traditional thinking, Lux clients are empowered to make more informed decisions today to ensure future success.

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