[The results of an ethnography.]

Good bacteria is everywhere. Both scientifically speaking, and in terms of the trends that pervade the health business. This article is about the latter, and more specifically, about the results of an ethnographic study on the topic of good bacteria in oral health, conducted using MotivBase.

Over the course of a few hours, we studied the role of ‘good bacteria’ in oral health. We examined the organic meanings that consumers associate with the subject, and the natural ways in which they currently see the connection between the two topics (good bacteria and oral health).

Here’s what we uncovered:

This is the type of analysis that particularly excites us about our big data ethnography tool, MotivBase. It allows us to uncover tangible dimensions about the consumer’s mental model around a topic almost instantly. Dimensions that can easily be turned into need states or opportunities for product development, even marketing. More importantly, for once, we have a way to look at these dimensions not just from a social sciences perspective, but also from a mathematical perspective to help us understand them better, and prioritize their value to the business.

Of course, there’s a lot more to be discovered on the subject of ‘good bacteria’ and oral health. I’m only sharing a rather quick summary here.

Lastly, if you’d like to learn more about what MotivBase can do for you, or even commission a proof-of-concept, you can reach us here.

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