Securing Firm Footing Amid Winds of Change​

Location: Cologne Marriott Hotel, Johannisstraße 76-80, 50668 Köln, Germany

Date: Monday, 10 March 2025

Time: 12:00 – 16:00 CET


This exclusive event is complimentary to invitees. A networking lunch and dinner will be provided.

Sign Up to Learn More About the Lux Executive Roundtable

About the Event

Inspired by signs of the thawing of the Cold War during a trip to the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, the German rock group, Scorpions, recorded “Wind of Change,” which went on to become one of the best-selling singles of all time. For many corporate leaders, the year 2024 brought several winds of change: consequential national elections, shifting trends in macroeconomics, and accelerated changes in Boards and the C-suite. Behind closed doors, innovation leaders are wondering whether they need to rethink previously sacrosanct transformational priorities. Finding focus is becoming a professional imperative.

This invitation-only opportunity offers:

  • Exclusive gathering to tackle big challenges in innovation-related decision making — complimentary for Lux clients.
  • Invitation-only event for C-level leaders within large, global companies in adjacent industries.
  • Peer-group learning, contributing, and networking around critical leadership issues.
  • Confidential, safe space for CTOs, CIOs, CSOs, and CEOs to engage in open, intellectual dialogue — guided by Lux and molded by the leaders in the Roundtable.
  • Actionable takeaways, including frameworks and follow-on conversations.

Event Details

  • Location: Cologne Marriott Hotel, Johannisstraße 76-80, 50668 Köln, Germany
  • Date: Monday, 10 March, 2025
  • Time: 12:00 – 16:00 CET

This exclusive event is complimentary to invitees. A networking lunch and dinner will be provided.


For your convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at the Cologne Marriott Hotel. To make your reservation and receive a discounted rate, please use this booking link. The booking link and discounted rate will expire on Friday, 14 February

Days until the Lux Executive Roundtable Cologne!
Time (CET) Description
12:00 – 13:00
Networking Lunch
13:00 – 14:15

Leadership Challenge: Winds of Change

Given the winds of change that surround us, if you had to focus your attention on only one of the following three elements for the remainder of 2025, what would it be, and why: (1) How you source and carry out innovation, (2) how you transition innovation from lab to market, or (3) how you build the case for innovation for internal/external stakeholders.

  • If you choose (1), how do you plan to enhance the way you interpret weak signals, ideate around emerging R&D opportunities, and initiate new lab programs? Can AI play a central role in this?
  • If you choose (2), how will you evolve the transition from lab to business divisions, and business divisions to market adoption? What compromises are you willing to make?
  • If you choose (3), how do you plan to hasten consensus with internal/external stakeholders? Could you turn investors from innovation skeptics to innovation enthusiasts?
14:15 – 14:30
Networking Coffee Break
14:30 – 15:30

Potential Avenues: Prioritizing Among Priorities

As an innovation leader — thrust into this era of skepticism around innovation’s value to the enterprise — if you had to safeguard and robustly pursue only one high-impact innovation priority, what would that priority be, and why?

  • As costs for innovation continue to escalate, how do you plan to fund your chosen high-impact innovation priority? What kinds of other priorities are you willing to kill?
  • By when do you foresee delivering financial outcomes from this priority? How do you plan to generate success during the intervening years?
  • How do you plan to measure and manage risk in the pursuit of that single high-impact priority? What is the risk threshold beyond which you will discontinue pursuing this priority midstream?
15:30 – 15:45

Taking Action: Three Questions

  • What is the biggest learning from today’s discussion, and how will you operationalize it within your own organization?
  • What questions remain in your mind about the ideas, challenges, and solutions that we discussed today?
  • What would you suggest as a topic/agenda for our next Executive Roundtable?
Evening Networking Dinner


Chief Product Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Senior Vice President of Lux Executive Programs

Thank you for your interest in the

Securing Firm Footing Amid Winds of Change​

You will hear from a member of our team shortly. If you have any questions, please reach out to

About the Lux Forums

The Lux Forums are a premier opportunity for innovation decision-makers to learn more about consumer insights and the commercially viable science and technology needed to enable human-centric innovation. This event series brings together global analysts, executives, and industry thought leaders to learn from each other and tackle the most critical issues facing our industry today.

At the Lux Forum, subject matter experts will provide meaningful insights relevant to oil and gas, utilities, industrials, chemicals, and consumer products innovation leaders. In this exclusive setting, attendees will make connections with executive-level industry counterparts through networking sessions and will take in cutting-edge research from the leading provider of sustainable innovation research and advisory services, Lux Research. These forums will deliver the thinking you need to accelerate the pace of innovation at your company.

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