Breaking Through the Hype in Consumer Products Innovation

Location: Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel, 625 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94301

Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Time: 8:00am – 12:30pm PST


Breakfast will be provided.

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Breaking Through the Hype in Consumer Products Innovation

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About the Event

Building innovation ecosystems that create value consistently is difficult, especially when driven by hype-centric innovation investment trends and a failure to proactively identify core consumer needs to create differentiation. Most companies fail to create value and miss out on opportunities because of uncertainty, thus becoming followers of innovation in high-competition sectors. Innovators must therefore make better early internal stage-gate decisions and sift through innovations to identify technologies or strategies that can be applied today or directed for long-term opportunities.  

This forum evaluates the hype cycles of cell-based meat, autonomous driving, and informatics to 1) define core and emerging consumer needs, 2) evaluate technology availability and scalability to satisfy those consumer needs, and 3) provide primary perspectives on how to shift an organization from innovation follower to innovation driver. 

Attendees will gain: 

  • Practical guidance on how to separate consumer needs from hype trends to confidently identify innovation opportunities. 
  • An understanding of how to access value from innovations built on the back of hype cycles without being trapped into inaccurate narratives. 
  • First-hand industry insights about how to drive innovation forward. 

Event Details

  • Location: Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel, 625 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94301
  • Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
  • Time: 8:00am – 12:30pm PST

Breakfast will be provided.

Days until the Lux Forum Silicon Valley!
Time (PST) Description Presenter(s)
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Networking Breakfast
9:00 AM – 9:50 AM

Breaking Through the Hype in Consumer Product Innovation 

Hype cycles drive innovation; however, misalignment between innovation investment and its consumer impact frequently occurs because the hype cycles, rather than core consumer needs, dictate innovation investment. While many companies target fads during these trends, this strategy doesn’t create a sustained business or align with innovation risk.

The result is that most companies either fail to innovate successfully or become followers of high-competition sectors, especially when innovation financing is expensive. Therefore, innovators must make better early stage-gate decisions or sift through the innovation results of hype cycles to identify technologies that can be applied today or directed for future opportunities.

This presentation aligns the status of unmet needs or product differentiation, technology availability, and the state of scalability and cost to provide a means to identify the minutia that matter hidden within hype cycles and weed out the winners from the losers.

Cheryl Auger
Senior Director of Research, Predictive Anthropology at Lux Research

Joshua Haslun, Ph.D.
Senior Director at Lux Research

9:50 AM – 10:30 AM

The Minutia Matter: Defining the Core Jobs-to-be-Done Within Hype Cycles

There is always a grain of truth contained within hype cycles and the fleeting fads created, but the minutia matter. Innovation teams need tools and partners to capture long-term consumer opportunities amid the low signal-to-noise ratio successfully.

Lux applies a jobs-to-be-done framework to provide contextual analysis of consumer product reviews and identify pain points, joy points, or unmet needs associated with something that people are trying to achieve (e.g., a task, goal, or problem).

We will uncover the most dominant jobs in three key hype areas: 1) using the senses to create experiences, 2) autonomous vehicles, and 3) holistic body health and then analyze them for tensions, occasions associated with a job, steps taken to solve the job, and the types of products hired and fired.

Derek Gingrich
Research Director, Predictive Anthropology at Lux Research

Victoria van der Haas
Senior Research Delivery and Client Lead at Lux Research

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Networking Break
11:00 AM – 11:40 AM

Accelerating the Right Technologies Through Human-Centric Innovation with Lux Research

Innovation leaders must move quickly, be on the cutting edge, and avoid the gravity of hype to meet consumers' needs.

In this session, we evaluate the availability and scalability of technologies capable of overcoming the core unmet needs identified from three hype cycles. You will learn how to use the Virtual Research Assistant Luxer, built on research methodologies refined over the last 20 years, to rapidly surface insights and connect the human-centric minutia that matter to innovation activity that directly targets consumers as well as the adjacent manufacturing innovation ecosystem.

Attendees will leave with a strong understanding of how to bridge the results from the jobs-to-be-done framework to innovation ecosystem scouting and accelerate the innovation journey by improving alignment to unmet needs.

Ian Rinehart
Associate Research Director at Lux Research

11:40 AM – 12:15 PM

Fireside Chat: Moving from Innovation Follower to Innovation Driver — Insights from Industry Leaders

Growing an innovation team that leads rather than follows its competitors requires human-centric innovation. This innovation relies on learning new technologies, skills, frameworks, and methodologies to deliver incremental advances and create transformational opportunities.

An esteemed executive within Lux’s network will discuss how they are transforming their team and their approach to consumer insights and innovation — and how they are using Lux to do so.


Josh Haslun, Ph.D.
Senior Director at Lux Research

Guest Speaker:


12:15 PM – 12:30 PM

Wrap-Up and Next Steps

Cheryl Auger
Senior Director of Research, Predictive Anthropology at Lux Research

Joshua Haslun, Ph.D.
Senior Director at Lux Research

Expert Speakers

Product Manager

Senior Research Delivery and Client Lead

Senior Director of Research

Senior Director

Associate Research Director

About the Lux Forums

The Lux Forums are a premier opportunity for innovation decision-makers to learn more about consumer insights and the commercially viable science and technology needed to enable human-centric innovation. This event series brings together global analysts, executives, and industry thought leaders to learn from each other and tackle the most critical issues facing our industry today.

At the Lux Forum, subject matter experts will provide meaningful insights relevant to oil and gas, utilities, industrials, chemicals, and consumer products innovation leaders. In this exclusive setting, attendees will make connections with executive-level industry counterparts through networking sessions and will take in cutting-edge research from the leading provider of sustainable innovation research and advisory services, Lux Research. These forums will deliver the thinking you need to accelerate the pace of innovation at your company.

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