In this series of posts we look at emerging trends that are identified and sized to fall in the zone of innovation using our MotivBase Trends Platform. We then look to identify new innovations that are entering the market and primed to solve for the consumer’s unmet needs.

MotivBase Trends:
One of the key emerging trends that has increased in relevance of late (largely due to the Covid-19 pandemic) is awareness of one’s immune system and the desire to find products and solutions that help people feel in control of their immune health. By looking at the culture of immune health in our MotivBase Trends platform we can better understand the potential for this trend in the US market.
As of today the idea of improving immunity is relevant to 19.3 million Americans and sits in with Early Adopters. But the culture is primed to grow by almost 40% in the next 12 to 24 months, and will enter the Zone of Innovation during this time – which will create mainstream relevance.
In-Market Solution:
The Naked Collective’s Mude Beverages.

An Ireland based start-up called the Naked Collective has launched a new ‘super drink’ called Mude. This beverage innovation has been specially trademarked ‘Superliquid’ and ‘ImmunoBoost’ and will hit shelves in July.
As you can read on their website:
“Every brew is fuelled by ImmunoBoost™; a supercharged blend of Beta Glucan and plant-based vitamins and minerals, all bound to the liquid for super-speedy absorption into your bloodstream. Then, high doses of natural do-gooders are added – like chamomile in Chill or ashwagandha plant in Work – to guarantee positive vibes from morning meeting to nighttime wind-down.”
In a statement, the drinks company said that ‘Mude contains the powerful little known immune enhancer beta glucan as well as the humble Irish oats making it a tasty plant-based low sugar and calorie beverage’.
Why Beta Glucan is a good bet:
When we look at the culture of “Improving Immunity” but add the context of “Beta Glucan” this makes the solution appeal to a wider and more robust number of consumers (45.4 Million ) and increases the growth potential for the culture to (57% growth in the next 12-24 months). Most importantly, it puts the culture within the Zone of Innovation, making it a viable opportunity to pursue.
While currently only coming to Ireland, the US is a viable market for a solution like the Naked Collective’s new super drink.