
The Five Key Shifts In Consumer Culture That Every Organization Must Pay Attention To In 2024

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In 2023, we identified five key shifts for organizations to monitor. Here, we review these shifts and provide an update on their status in 2024. When assessing cultural shifts, it’s crucial to recognize that changes in consumer beliefs and behaviors are gradual and aren’t restricted by the calendar year. Culture doesn’t happen in business quarters. Shifts starting in 2023 are neither “complete” nor “irrelevant” simply with the year’s end. Instead, understanding their ongoing relevance and evolution into 2024 is what matters.

For example: In 2023, consumers understood resilience as a system’s capacity to anticipate, withstand, and recover from threats. But a year of global turmoil, from wars to inflation and climate emergencies, has pushed them beyond single-system thinking to consider the resilience of the entire, interconnected, interwoven globe. They have seen that events in one locale can have global repercussions, like wildfire smoke from one country reaching another, or wars abroad impacting the cost of living halfway across the world. So, they recognize that resilience cannot be attained in isolation, limited to a single nation, region, or sector. Instead, it calls for a more unified approach to address significant challenges, underscoring the need for collective action and global cooperation.

We previously identified five key shifts for organizations to monitor. This infographic reviews these shifts and provides an update on their status in 2024.


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The Five Key Shifts In Consumer Culture That Every Organization Must Pay Attention To In 2024

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Lux Research è un fornitore leader di soluzioni di ricerca e consulenza basate sulla tecnologia, che aiuta i clienti a crescere attraverso l'innovazione tecnologica. Pioniere nel settore della ricerca, Lux combina in modo unico competenze tecniche e intuizioni aziendali con una piattaforma di intelligence proprietaria, che utilizza analisi avanzate e scienza dei dati per far emergere veri e propri indicatori guida. Grazie a dati di qualità derivati da ricerche primarie, analisi basate sui fatti e opinioni che sfidano il pensiero tradizionale, i clienti di Lux sono in grado di prendere decisioni più informate oggi per garantire il successo futuro.

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