Prebiotic Fiber: MotivBase MarketWatch presents the Latest Emerging Trend.

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VP, Client Experience

In this series of posts we look at emerging trends that are identified and sized to fall in the zone of innovation using our MotivBase Trends Platform. We then look to identify new innovations that are entering the market and primed to solve for the consumer’s unmet needs.

MotivBase Trend identified:

By looking at the culture of prebiotic fiber in our MotivBase Trends platform we can better understand the potential for this trend in the US market.

As of today the prebiotic fiber is relevant to 29.5 million Americans and sits in with the Early Majority. But the culture is primed to grow by almost 33% in the next 12 to 24 months.

This is currently not hitting the Zone of Innovation, suggesting that it is too early to expect mainstream adoption of this solution, but it is relevant to healthy population size and seems to be increasing in cultural relevance among US consumers. Certainly this is a trend to watch.

In-Market Solution:

Beneo introduces new organic chicory root fiber.

Beneo (Parsippany, NJ) is launching two new additions to its chicory root fiber and rice starch ingredient portfolio in July: an organic waxy rice starch, Remyline O AX DR, and organic chicory root fiber, Orafti Organic.

Beneo’s Orafti Organic, is a carefully grown and selected organic variant of its popular chicory root fiber and yet another first to market. It is regionally grown and harvested by certified organic farmers in Belgium. Inulin and oligofructose remain the only proven plant-based prebiotics available, according to the International Scientific Association for Pro- and Prebiotics (ISAPP).

Orafti Organic enables manufacturers to add natural prebiotic fibers that will improve taste and texture, while also allowing for fat and sugar reduction in products across key applications such as dairy, cereals, bakery and confectionery.

As you can read on their website, the company is highlighting the health benefits of Functional Fibres.

This includes:

  • Digestive health: improving the intestinal flora balance
  • Reduced blood glucose response: sugar in the blood – less is more
  • Weight management: food intake – calories count
  • Stronger bones: increase calcium absorption

Why reinforcing Health Benefits is a good bet:

When we look at the culture of “prebiotic fiber” but add the context of “healthy benefits” this increases this strikes a chord with more consumers (39.7 Million Consumers) and increases the growth potential for the culture.

Prebiotic fiber, when linked to the context of the healthy benefits that they can deliver pushes this trend into the Zone of Innovation.


While Beneo has just introduced a very interesting functional ingredient that will aid in the production of organic food offerings, the ability to add prebiotic fibers with powerful health benefits is something that is increasing in relevance with the American consumer.

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